BJ Empanadilla has released Recording Rock in the hope of trampling on Money Game' other performers. Disclosure, which is selfish enough to live alone, is expected to return to poison soon.
Empanadilla turned on the African TV Love Live! broadcast on May 24 and released a pre-recorded Disclosure video. Some of the cast members of the web entertainment Money Game', which ended earlier, were criticized for being demanded and agreed to win a one-ninth prize money. Among them, Empanadilla continued various Disclosures using Recording Rock, which was acquired in an intransparent way, and nearly 150,000 viewers watched it.
The Recording Rock card, which Empanadilla took out, contained the controversy over the fairness of YouTuber Jin Yong-jin, who planned the Money Game', and the conflicts of participants who did not include it on the air. The problem is that the performers went beyond simple conflicts and sent out the details of Disclosure of the private life of female performers, and disparaging each other without filtration. By doing unnecessary privacy Disclosure, the child is willing to make another controversy and trample the female performer with hateful hair.
Viewers who watched the broadcast are responding that they are wondering: What is the Recording book for and who is Disclosure for? In addition, the process of getting Recording Rock is also a bit of a schmidt: Yuk Jidam has been YouTube Love Live since Empanadilla released Recording Rock! "I didn't know I would put a knife in my back like this," he said on the show. According to Yuk Jidam, Empanadilla asked Yuk Jidam to record the conversation with Gong Hyuk Jun after the Money Game' group exit, and Yuk Jidam handed over the Recording to Empanadilla. However, Empanadilla has openly shot Yuk Jidam at the same time, with Recording and Yuk Jidam worrying about Yuk Jidam at the same time.
The problem is that the Recording file released by Empanadilla includes Recording and listening to conversations between others. This is because there is no context in which Empanadilla intervened in direct conversations, both in the Recording log used in Disclosure broadcasts, the production team and the conversation with Yuk Jidam Gong Hyuk Jun. Some say that it is a violation of the Communication Secret Protection Act. With Recording Rock, which has been released without consent, Empanadilla is expected to face significant backlash. In fact, Nighar, who suffered from the Recording Disclosure, appointed a lawyer and filed a complaint against Empanadilla.