The feminist Park Hye-ran conveyed the reason why she studied women's studies and conveyed a meaningful message to all women.
In the 128th episode of TVN You Quiz on the Block' broadcasted on October 27, Park Hye-ran, the mother of Lee Juck, the first generation female scholar and singer of Korea, appeared as a guest.
Park Hye-ran is a person who has been working as a mentor for mothers by writing 3,000 lectures and 13 books for 30 years before the mother of singer Lee Juck. He is famous for his author of the children's education book "Children who grow up as much as they believe" after sending all three sons to Seoul National University.
Park Hye-ran said, "When my youngest child entered college, there were many stories about whether I would write know-how as a book. However, in fact, I have been giving a lot of lectures since then, "Do not concentrate on one study too much, but we have a little room and we will see the world with a wide range of arms." This is a good story, but it doesn't work. Because that's not the reality of Korea. If you tell children what they want to do, it was a society that said, 'Let's go to college.' "
Park Hye-ran said, "I think that the idea of "I can raise it like this" because the three children entered Seoul National University. "He said that he became a best-selling writer.
The education method that Park Hye-ran emphasizes was "Kurah because I know" as it is revealed in the title of the book. My mother was too busy to take care of you all.
Singer Lee Juck said in an anecdote of his mother on the day, "When the rain suddenly pours, parents usually come when they get off school. My mother comes mainly, but my mother has never come since the first grade of Elementary school. It was a heroic psychology, "My mother's not coming," but it was a good word. The children who did not come are left. At that time, I realized, "Once you get wet, you will not get wet again." At some point, I felt a sense of liberation. "
Park Hye-ran said, "I used to go to work and became a woman who lost her career because of childcare. After the youngest entered the Elementary school, he said, "Now that you have raised them all, I have to grow up a little." Because of this, he said, "I feel like my children have felt that my mother is a person who does not take responsibility for my life since I was a child."
Park Hye-ran was unhappy about becoming a "player" when he came to study women's studies. "I have lived as a woman for 40 years. I was not proud to be a woman even though I was a woman. I was a housewife for 10 years and I was a person who did not do anything. When people ask, "What are you doing?" They say, "I'm playing." Why do you play when I've lived so hard? Why do I take it for granted? I wanted to study because I was wondering. "
Park Hye-ran also sent a message for all working mothers, saying, "I think that the way I live my life so hard is a gift to my children and I am proud." In addition, Park Hye-ran told the mothers who feel happy in raising their children without working, "If you are really happy there, you should do it." Working mothers, full-time housewives, and non-married people all said that there is no clear answer. He advised, "Make your own standards considering all your environment, taste, and personality."