The 'couple entertainment', which had a bad reputation for spouses or high-level exposure, changed 180 degrees.
The 'Love-man couple' who reveals a sweet Love story or reveals a second-generation plan has emerged as a trend.
Singer Roh Ji-hoon and Lee Eun-hye appeared on SBS Plus 'Love Dosa Season 2' broadcast on October 18th. Roh Ji-hoon said, "I married in three months of Love and gave birth to a child in six months." "I knew that I was a fateful mate from my first meeting."
Roh Ji-hoon, who has a son in his family, expressed his positive opinion about his second plan, but showed his wife Lee Eun-hye, saying, "My greed is not the only one."
Singer spider, who appeared on SBS 'Ugly Our Little' special MC on the 17th, also said, "Jo Jung-suk keeps in touch with his friends even if he does not call when he meets his friends." Spider also bought the envy of the Movengers (mother cast) sitting opposite, saying that he would "marry even if he was born again" with Jo Jung-suk.
It is a picture that is different from the time when I laughed at the other performers and spouse defects. "It changes when I get married." The attempt to find a conflict element or to find a conflict element was also lost, but the 'Love-Love' couples who Loved it constantly began to fill it after marriage.
Compared to the time when spouses blushed and crossed the boundaries between the ball and the company, the performers and viewers who watched became more comfortable. It is not necessary to force marriage, which is only an individual's choice, but it is a hundred times better than to force a marriage romance and encourage fear. Now that the couple's entertainment is pouring out, I hope that more programs will reflect the changed trend.