Jaejoong, playing tennis in patient clothes...a curious combination

Singer Jaejoong has revealed how she wore her patient suit.Jaejoong released two photos on his 12th day with an article entitled Patient Wear + Cardigan + Tennis on his instagram.In the photo, Jaejoong is wearing a colorful cardigan with both top and bottom in patient clothes, and the figure posing with a tennis club in the tennis court is eye-catching.I am curious about what kind of reason I am standing in a tennis court where I am wearing a patient suit but I do not fit.Meanwhile, Jaejoong has recently met with fans on the Lifetime Channel Travel Buddies.

Singer Jaejoong has revealed how she wore her patient suit.

Jaejoong released two photos on his 12th day with an article entitled "Patient Wear + Cardigan + Tennis" on his instagram.

In the photo, Jaejoong is wearing a colorful cardigan with both top and bottom in patient clothes, and the figure posing with a tennis club in the tennis court is eye-catching.

I am curious about what kind of reason I am standing in a tennis court where I am wearing a patient suit but I do not fit.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong has recently met with fans on the Lifetime Channel 'Travel Buddies'.