"Jirisan" Ju Ji-hoon "A direct climb between Kim Eun-hee and Jirisan, with Jun Ji-hyun and a star in the wave"

Actor Ju Ji-hoon expressed his feelings of re-breathing with Kim Eun-hee writer.
The TVN's 15th anniversary special project, Jirisan (played by Kim Eun-hee/directed by Lee Eung-bok), which will be broadcast on October 23, is a mountain of Jirisan Great Smoky Mountains National Park's best Ranger Seoi River (Jun Ji-hyun), and a new Ranger gang hyun hun hunjo (played by Ju Ji-hoon), who has secrets to speak. It is a Drama that deals with the story that takes place by digging into the questioning accident that takes place in.
Ju Ji-hoon (played by gang hyun), who created numerous life Characters across various genres, first asked why he was standing in front of viewers with Jirisan, saying, "I have worked with Kim Eun-hee before, but this time I wondered how to use the Mother Nature of Jirisan to work on my work. I chose to work with director Lee Eung-bok, who has directed the masterpiece Drama, and Jun Ji-hyun, who is charmingly digesting any Character. "
He played the role of a new Rangersman who set foot in Jirisan in the former Army captain of the play and a gang hyun with a secret to see an incomprehensible vision. Even at a glance, an unusual narrative is foreseen. The key keywords of the Character are 'Jirisan', 'conspiracy', and 'the youngest'. "gang hyun, the youngest of the Rangers, is a person who loves 'people'. The reason why Hyunjo, the hometown of Seoul, came to Jirisan is because of 'people', and he is a friend with a strong commitment and responsibility to protect mountains and people. "
“It was late summer last year, and before we started shooting, I suggested to the artist that we go to Jirisan directly. The writer who would have been devoted to writing could refresh for a while, and I was more likely to come out of the background of Drama because I was the type of director who knew the work and Character better than anyOne else before entering the work, and I often met with the artist and made a Character. "
“I have been very helpful in making a Character by sharing opinions such as ‘I hope this expression is buried in this scene at this time, I want to be buried in this scene’ while I have been talking a lot from the story to the story about the work.’” He added that he also learned the secret of warm teamwork.
Finally, Ju Ji-hoon said, "I have a different personality and job from the Characters I have played so far, and the background is also Jirisan. All of these things can be seen as 'new aspects', "he said, making the first broadcast of Jirisan, which will return to the gang hyun.