The crash of the popular Actor is causing endless backlash.
With Actor Kim Seon-ho in the midst of a fatal Personal Life controversy, the entire broadcasting and film and advertising industry has been damaged, and Kim Seon-ho and the talent donation project have also decided to stop the project.
Marco Polo, a household goods brand, said on the 20th that it was related to the 'Happy Daily Life of Grandma's Boy' made with Kim Seon-ho according to Kim Seon-ho's Personal Life issue through official SNS.
"Selub funding is made up of talent donations, and Marco Polo did not pay any expenses for funding," the company said. "However, continuing the project is to ignore the pain of others in order to pursue the social value of Marco Polo, I stopped production of reward bracelets. "
'We are looking for possible ways to cancel the payment. I will guide you as soon as possible by Do best. "The fair wages for the bracelets you have made so far will be paid to all those who have finished. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the supporters who were interested in and supported Grandma's Boy's happy daily life. "
Kim Seon-ho, along with Marco Polo, provided a bracelet as a reward through Happy Bean Special Funding, and participated in a project to support some of the funding proceeds in Grandma's Boy job creation and elderly residential environment improvement projects. However, on the 17th, the controversy over the so-called "marriage bingo abortion" broke out, and Kim Seon-ho acknowledged the fact in four days and apologized, and in fact, he was forced to withdraw from the industry.
Next is the Marco Polo admission
Hello, this is the Marco Polo. I would like to express the official position of Marco Polo about the Personal Life controversy of Kim Seon-ho Actor of 'Grandma's Boy's Happy Daily' funding, which Marco Polo participated in recently. First of all, I will summarize what you are curious about. Celeb funding is made up of talent donations. Marco Polo did not pay any expenses for funding. Due to the nature of funding, we are preparing bracelets after preparing the amount of materials you sponsored. More people participated in the funding than we expected, and the production is delayed more than the schedule announced in advance. So far, we have provided guidance under the terms that refunds are not possible due to the nature of the system called funding; Marco Polo is a brand that makes Grandma's Boy's routine happy. This funding was also with those who finished with a focus on Grandma's Boy's happy daily life. However, continuing the project is to ignore the pain of others in order to pursue the social value of Marco Polo, so I asked enough understanding for those who have finished and stopped producing reward bracelets. We're looking for possible ways to cancel the payment with Happy Bean. We'll be able to get you through Do best as soon as possible. The fair wages for the bracelets you have made so far will be paid to all those who have finished. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the supporters who have been interested in and supported the happy daily life of Grandma's Boy. Marco Polo Loho Dream