Kim Bo-sung "Watching Two-way Assault with Three Mong-Ducked Yang-Achie" rescues men and women from Date (Dude)

The entertainment industry representative 'Rei Nam' Kim Bo-sung revealed an anecdote that could not tolerate injustice.
MBC FM4U 'Date Muzie of Doocy, It's An Young Mi', which was broadcast on September 14, presented the 'Expert Got You' corner with guest Kim Bo-sung (Huh Seok Kim Bo-sung).
Kim Bo-sung said, "When you face injustice, I want to tell you to act your conscience and leave the results to God."
Kim Bo-sung, one of the anecdotes that had been held in the past because he could not tolerate injustice in the past, said, "I saw three men and women coming to Date and they were fighting to run away. But later, there was no witness, so it was unfortunate that it became a double-sided violence. "
Kim Bo-sung added, "If you act with your conscience, you have no fear."
So Muzie said, "But it is too bad, is it not two sides?" "Even if it is, it can not be helped. It is because the sky knows and the earth knows and I know. "
"You should not do it to cope with injustice wisely," Iran said, "Do not deceive your photos." Kim Bo-sung said, "I live sincerely, so do not pretend it is this." "Do not be too conscious of others."
But "I said it on my standards. Everyone is different. A poor woman can not do it like me. It is dangerous to take a picture and report it quickly, or to do it like me unconditionally. "
Asked if the modifier "Kim Bo-sung = Loyalty" had never been burdensome, he said: "I never have. I am always a "campaigner of enlightenment" until the moment I finish my life. "
Kim Bo-sung, who said, "Even if I am tired, I will be strong if I do not." What if I ask for a broadcast appearance? 'Iran's unreasonable request was "not that," he said firmly, and laughed.