The power stock will appear on Radio Star to reveal its financial know-how and stock stock Choices standards.
MBC Radio Star (planned by Kang Young-sun / directed by Kang Sung-ah), which is scheduled to air at 10:20 p.m. on June 23, will feature Kim Bo-sung, Kim Pro- (Kim Dong-hwan), Gri and Shin A-young, Hey, You Can Make Two.
A very special guest appears in a special feature for everyone who wants to be rich, "Hey, you can earn two." The main character is a former owner of entertainment industry. He is known as the entertainment industry 's yunsun Lee with a strong saving spirit. He introduces his secret of investment technology by tipping off the place he stopped by instead of going to play from the time he received 500,000 won in salary.
Jeon Won-ju was noted as a hidden investment leader last year as a craze for stock investment. Thanks to this, the young friends who welcome young people are saying, "I felt the importance of money from a young age, and started investing in stocks at 5 million won."
In particular, Jeon Won-ju said, "I have never pulled a number from World Bank." Thanks to my hard-working and investment, I will announce that I will send a car to the house from World Bank if I set a schedule for visiting World Bank.
Jeon Won-ju, who still has more fun collecting money than spending money, also reveals his saving know-how, especially because he tells an anecdote that he bought the original story of his best friend Sunwoo Yong-yi because of his habit of saving.
Kim Bo-sung, who is interested in investing in stocks as a vice chairman of the Korea Small Shareholders' Research Association and is interested in investing in stocks as a Donghak Ant watchman, confesses that he has only been delisted four times while he was taking stock.