'What do you do when you play' shin Yubin, 'mudo' members and only 7 years reunited Table Tennis 3D Battle

Hangout with Yoo', which returns in four weeks, meets Table Tennis 3D national team Shin Yubin.
In MBC entertainment program Hangout with Yoo' broadcasted on the 21st, Yoo Jae-Suk, Jin Jun-ha and Haha meet with Shin Yubin, who played in the Tokyo Olympics as the youngest national representative in 'Table Tennis 3D Shindong' in 7 years.
On this day, Yoo Jae-Suk, Jeong Jun-ha, and Haha transformed into 'Koreana', which was the theme song of the 88 Seoul Olympics, and they prepared a welcome stage for the shin Yubin player by singing 'hand in hand' and the shin Yubin player who appeared in the flower kiln with the escort of the mascot 'Hodol' catch one's eye.
Shin Yubin, who appeared as 'Table Tennis 3D Shindong' through 'Infinite Challenge' in the past, was selected as the youngest national representative and gave a deep impression to the people by performing brilliantly at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Yoo Jae-Suk, who saw the storm-growing shin Yubin in seven years, expressed his feelings of "I can not believe it." Haha said, "Did you miss us? "When asked," I missed you so much, "said Shin Yubin.
The shin Yubin player is a topic-gathering anti-virus airport fashion (? ) and the 41-year-old Luxembourg national team Nisciarian player at the Tokyo Olympics and the testimony of the game will be heard. Especially, it is said that the truth of the sound of the song that made the nickname "Pipy" to the shin Yubin player was revealed.
Also, through this meeting, Shin Yubin will donate to the youth Table Tennis 3D players and will hold a special Table Tennis 3D Battle with Yoo Jae-Suk, Jeong Jun-ha and Haha.
The meeting of Yoo Jae-Suk, Jeong Jun-ha, Haha and Table Tennis 3D national team Shin Yubin can be confirmed through Hangout with Yoo' which is broadcasted at 6:25 pm on the 21st.
The production team of Hangout with Yoo' is planning various items based on 'Familyship' following Jeong Jun-ha - Haha with Shin Yubin player. The process is revealed through broadcasting," he said.