TOMORROW X Twogether posted a concept photo "fight" version of Regular 2nd album repackaged album "Chaos: fight OR escape" on the official SNS on the 2nd (Korea time).
The five members in the picture stand at risk on a high rooftop with blue sky with a variety of stickers holding a Orange Is the New Black skateboard. 'TXT', which means team name, 'fight', escape', song name 'No Rules', and various design stickers and colorful jewel stickers are used to attract attention.
TOMORROW X Twogether is a kind of extreme sport, a skateboard that emits free-flowing energy. Skateboarding is a sport that reflects the spirit of challenge. The five members expressed Boy's inner heart full of urge to fight against World, feeling alive through skateboarding, a thrilling and thrilling sport.
TOMORROW X Twogether previously unveiled its D-day teaser and concept teaser, which gave former World Moa (MOA) a delight. They stimulated fans' curiosity with keywords such as "LO$ER" (loser), "LOER" (lovers), and trendy Content that reflects Z-generation (Gen Z) tastes such as board customization of the New Black and the use of emoji.