kim je-deok reveals behind the archery hybrid Awards.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on August 22, a special day was drawn with Taegeuk warriors who shined Korea in '2020 Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and'.
When the disciples Lee Seung-gi, Yang Se-hyeong and Yoo Soo-bin appeared on the day, the archery masters fired with arrows and replaced the welcome greetings. Especially, the first time that the art was performed, the first time the art was performed by the emperor, and the youngest kim je-deok participated in the recording on the day of the self-discipline.
Lee Seung-gi, who appeared in the 'Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth' makeup, said, "The beginning of archery history is Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth." However, the masters of archery corrected "it's a foreign sport" and "archery is a Western movement"; the bewildered Lee Seung-gi said, "It's an archery because it's a Western bow. So it is called the national palace, "he said." I always thought it was a Korean event because I always won medals in South Korea. " Oh Jin-Hyek laughed, "The beginning was there, but let's say that our country is the strongest in World, so let's turn it off in Korea."
The production team then began measuring the heart rate in real time to masters and disciples. Kim Woo-jin, who earned the nickname "sleep kungya" with a calm heart rate throughout the game, was the only one in his early 70s to keep his eyes on BPM. Lee Seung-gi, who saw this, admired it, "I will fall to my 60s soon."
"I feel a lot of pressure," Anshan confessed of the archery match in South Korea, which was focused on former Worlds. When Lee Seung-gi asked, "How do you win three gold medals?" Anshan quipped, "I think I'm a greedy person." Anshan also said, "Now, when I go to a restaurant or cafe, I find out a lot, so I come out in a hurry to hurt others." Yang Se-hyeong advised, "Enjoy like a victory."
In addition, the 2020 Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Behind was delivered. kim je-deok said, "When I went up to the Awards after the mixed sex, Anshan said, 'What do we do?' I said 'no'. I was ashamed," he said, boasting of his "steamy brother and sister." "I made a little mistake in the mixed race, and every time I did it, it helped because kim je-deok led me in front with a high score," Anshan said. kim je-deok replied, "Thank you for leading Anshan to calmly lower me because I am excited." However, the two avoided their gaze at the suggestion that they should face each other and express their gratitude, and only the pinkies were caught together and caused laughter.
kim je-deok said of the 2020 Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and the later days of vigorously shouting 'fighting' throughout, "The Olympics were so nervous to shout inside. I asked the coach of the national team to relax, "Can I shout?" He said, "I am comfortable, but I do not want to hurt my opponent.
In particular, kim je-deok's 'fighting' was famous in Jincheon Athletic Village since 2020 Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and the previous days. Oh Jin-Hyek said, "I was embarrassed because I did not have a player shouting the fight. After that, kim je-deok's 'fighting' lowered the tension." "I asked kim je-deok, 'Can you shout fighting at the Olympics?' I told the teachers that I used it as a strategy and routine to lower the tension."
In addition, Anshan commented on the gold medal medal of the women's archery team award, "The short track women's team Performance was so cute and cool at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. "I wanted to try the ceremony when I climbed the podium, so I followed what Minhee (Jang) did," he said. "I asked him, 'Are you really doing it?' Kang Chae-young showed off his youngest love, saying, "If you want to do it, you should do it."