"Just give up your life!" "No-nonsense" Seo Jang-hoon, four years ago, his girlfriend's backyard + Furious to the story that only owes

In whatever Askarrow, Seo Jang-hoon was Furious in a story that only GFriend had been backing for four years.
Various stories were drawn on KBS Joy entertainment 'Ask arrow' which was broadcast on the 30th.
A foreign story from Turkey appeared on the day. He said he studied Korean while watching Kim Hyun Joong's playful kiss drama, "I was marriage while I was in a long-distance Love with Husband." He said he was a twenty-One-year-old Turky new house, a year and a half after marriage. The two Bodhisattvas were surprised that they were "marriage at 19 in Korea."
“I’m so happy with Husband, but I’m so lOnely at home because of Husband, who has been working for a long time,” he said, asking about his new home. Husband was a chef by the age of eight with Husband.
When asked about the Love story, Turkey said, "At first sight, I was against Husband, and if I face marriage from the meeting, the Love period is One month and three days." Lee Soo-geun was surprised that he was "a perfect match, a relationship."
A storyteller who is a yoga instructor and bread merchant appeared. “I’m a regular guest who comes to the store often when I see a person coming around,” he said, after three years of solo work. “I’m not sure about his mind, so I’m interested.”
The two Bodhisattvas said they were "interested" when they told the situation to distinguish the heart signal of their regular guests, but there was no action for two and a half years. The two Bodhisattvas said, "I can really like the house's exhaust with your Reversal story, and there may be your wife." The story was not that "if you were married, you would have come with your wife."
Next appeared a storyteller who wanted to forget the former GFriend. He said he had been separated from GFriend for three months and that he knew that he had a new boyfriend, saying, "She said she did not want to live in a bad life, it was economically difficult."
“I left Garget tax, pocket mOney, and salary management, and all other incomes, but I did not have the mOney I collected,” the narrator recalled, “and I decided to start again last year and I was left with debt by receiving 12 million won of loans.”
Seo Jang-hoon, who was hardened by his expression, said, "I will say One last word." He said, "If you get in touch again and give mOney and miss it, just give up your life! Stay with me, what is the good guy doing, do not reply to the contact, but have a will. "
Capture the “Ask arrow” screen