TOMORROW X Twogether turns into a cute villain
TOMORROW X Twogether released a video of the Regular 2nd album repackaged album 'Chaos: Fight Or No Escape' (FIGHT OR ESCAPE) concept Paper clip on the official SNS on the 6th. It is a No Escape version.
Convenience store hairs became a killer: TOMORROW X Twogether entered a store full of kitsch and sparkling items. As if to declare war, the members watched the CCTV proudly. The members swept various items into the cart.
The personal Paper clip was also opened. Subin was watching. The Fed swept the stuff. Tae-hyun took the money by inferring the safe's password.
Bum Gyu, on the other hand, read comic books leisurely: Heuning Kai showed off his mischievous charm, including messing with things; they escape with pink currency from the Convenience store.
TOMORROW X Twogether previously presented a concept teaser and photo for the "Fight" version; members digested skateboarding; revealing Boy's inner heart to fight the world.
In May, TOMORROW X Twogether released Regular 2 album, Chaos: Fries. The new album will be a repackaged album that will continue its members' world view.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether will release a track list on the 7th.