Actor Jin Hao Chang criticized paid Audience and musical officials in the process of getting off at the musical 'Insert COIN', which caused controversy.
Jin Hao Chang was released from his recent work while appearing as a Senate role in 'Insert COIN', which opened on the 6th. In this process, he has been criticized by the public for causing additional controversy such as controversy with Audience through his SNS account, exposure of conflicts with the production company, and accusations of the same industry officials.
One Audience Who watched the first performance of 'Insert COIN' started to write an indefatigable review on his personal SNS account. It was disappointing to have the composition of the drama including the songs, acting, and characters of the Actors including Jin Hao Chang.
Jin Hao Chang wrote a direct comment on this SNS post with his account: "It was the first ball (first performance) I couldn't rehearse, I couldn't check the sound, I was performing, I was not good enough. The company took this as an example: I decided to get off at the end of this article. I am sorry for the shortage. "
Jin Hao Chang, Who later posted additional articles on his SNS, said, "Honestly, the rehearsal went up smoothly, and it was Freeview. So, do not you come at half price? "He said," I know I made the first mistake, but since then, I have been in a condition and the Audiences have been good. " "The company said that it was not enough for me because of the comments that I posted during the first round. I am not a singer or a professional musical Actor. I am a drama and acting major, why do you talk to me about singing like them? "
"I did not even sign a contract and I know it's not enough. I performed four of my 23 performances. I do not think I can follow the company's opinion after consulting with the director. "He mentioned the names of famous performers here and said," How good are you? “I added.
Since then, Jin Hao Chang has deleted it, saying, "I wrote according to the request of the production company." However, he posted another post and said, "What official apology do I make? You're not important, you're writing for the musical team. Don't go to hell," he said. "You look great. I will go legally. Do not mistake me for having a tail when I erased it. " Currently, this article is also deleted, and Jin Hao Chang has been excluded from the remaining performance schedule and the Actor of the character has been changed.
The already deleted Jin Hao Chang's writings are causing the sympathy of other musical Audience, and the controversy is getting bigger. Freeview performances usually refer to the times that are opened at a somewhat discounted price by designating a few days before the official opening. Because it is the first performance, it is a paid round, although the word 'Freeview' is attached in the sense that it takes the technical defects that can happen and the direction that can change. Just because you paid half price means that you should not even take half the acting or attitude of Actors Who are performing.
Audience, Who wrote a criticism to Jin Hao Chang, was also his customer Who paid for the ticket and watched the performance. In addition, in the latter part of the Audience, there was only a simple feeling of unfavorability, but there was no "gap" he claimed, such as accusations and human aggression. Even if the contract problem with the production company was intertwined, the result alone was that Actor was angry with Audience, Who spent time and effort watching the getting off because of his lack of skills. Who wants and uses an Actor Who claims to be half price himself.