"Whoever drives in the early morning emergency...." Jo Yoon-hee, who proposed living with pro-Sister after divorce (I raise)

Actor Jo Yoon-hee has revealed why he proposed to pro-Sister after divorce to live with him.
On this day, Jo Yoon-hee and Roar had a good time looking for a playground. Roar was active as a bright and cheerful nuclei sprout, such as greeting his local Sister brothers first and making a statement. Jo Yoon-hee prepared a special dinner for Roar, who came in with a gallantry. Roar had made fried squid as he had never eaten squid at home, and Roar had affinity to walk around the house and greet camera directors.
Early evening, a woman opened the front door at Jo Yoon-hee's house; the identity was Jo Yoon-hee pro-Sister. Jo Yoon-hee said: "Last year I suggested to Sister that we live together, and he lives together; Sister is working as an English language school counselor. "I haven't been married yet," Sister said.
"The fact is that when I was living alone with Roar, I was most worried about Roar when I had an emergency. I thought I needed someone to drive or solve the situation, so I suggested to Sister, but I am very helpful because I accepted it. "
Jo Yoon-hee, a hexagonist, breathed in, drinking a glass of beer with Sister. When Jo Yoon-hee said, "Roar seems to follow better than I thought," Sister encouraged, "You do not grow meticulously, Roar is also very big."
Kim Hyun-Sook and 7-year-old son Hamin's Secret Sunshine Life have also been unveiled. Kim Hyun-Sook, who said he was "sad" when asked about his divorce, lives in Secret Sunshine where his parents live. Kim Hyun-Sook defined Hamin as "Energy" and laughed.
Hamin is preparing to change his name from Yoon to Kim. Kim Hyun-Sook said, "I am still legally Yoon Ha-min, but the main caregiver is going to put Kim on my mind to raise him as a child with my surname. After entering the school, I told the complainant that it would be confusing if the castle changed, and I gave it to him without any disagreement. "
Chae Rim added, "Our son has followed my castle because there was also a nationality problem."
Kim Na-young and Shinwoo Lee Joon brothers came out with a picture of the companion picture. Kim Na-young led the children skillfully and impressed them with the filming. Nevertheless, there was a dispute over the doll between the two sons, and the second Lee Joon burst into tears and embarrassed everyone.
Kim Na-young said: "I wish I wasn't done filming alone, it was like a vacation because I was shooting alone. When I work with my children, I have the advantage of being able to work with gratitude and laughter when I work alone. "