Hollywood actor Sharon Stone, famous for his movie 'primitive instincts', is reported to be in the process of Date with RMR, a Rapper who is less than half of his Age.
According to a report by PeerGyx on the 6th (local time), two people who are enjoying Date throughout Los Angeles were found. They had a good time dancing to hip-hop music.
A source said: "Sharon Stone is having a hot summer, they've been hanging out with other star hip-hop musicians. Certainly the two are now enjoying the time together. "
RMR, a rising artist who wears a PFC Levski Sofia mask and wears a golden grille on it to protect her identity, said of Sharon Stone: "I respect her and think she's so cool. RMR is said to be a big fan of the 1995 mafia film "Casino" starring Sharon Stone. RMR even had Sharon Stone wear one of his PFC Levski Sofia masks at the club.
RMR also hits Sharon Stone's post on social media, as does Sharon Stone, who sees them as "unique friendships."
Both sides said they were "no comment" in this regard.
Sharon Stone, RMR Instagram