You shouldn't expect a single 92-minute movie, which is not the Remady of Season 3, which runs season 2. The Netflix original series, Kingdom: Ashin of the North, is an Episode that stands in a very ambiguous position. So, if you have seen only this <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> without watching the previous season in the enthusiasm of season 1, you can be disappointed. This is because Episode, which depicts the birth period of Asin (Jeon Ji-hyun) rather simple but heavily, is this work.
But if you have taken care of Season 1, 2, and you are watching <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> as a 'Special Episode' in the process of waiting for Season 3, you will nod to why you did not go straight to Season 3 and filled these Special Episodes first. By establishing this one Episode, the future <Kingdom> series will be able to prelude the greater Remady. So if you have not stepped into this world, I recommend you take care of it from season 1 and 2 before watching Kingdom: Ashin of the North. That way, you will be able to realize the expansion of the worldview created by this small piece.
Season 1 and 2 are Remady south of Korean Peninsula. Remady of 'Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us plague', where a boy who went with a lawmaker who saved the dead king was attacked and died, and the lawmaker began to emerge as he brought the body to Dongrae. The crown prince Lee Chang (Ju Ji-hoon) was established as a hero in the south who fought with the people to prevent this plague. He blocks the plague of hungry minchos (Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us) and faces the plague of power-blind and starving sedogi on the one hand.
And the presence of Asin, who is curious and curious about the ending of Season 2. Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us, who has been locked up and appeared for a while as if he were controlling, announces that Remady of Season 3 will enter a different phase by this person. But Remady will be somewhat simple when Asin emerges immediately after the story of a struggle with the Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us, running up from the south through the palace until season 2. In the end, it is because the audience who ran to see Lee Chang as the main character can be regarded as another enemy.
However, <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> is filled with the story of how the character Asin, as Remady north of Korean Peninsula, created Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us and got revenge of blood. Because it contains the birthplace of Asin as the main character, viewers sympathize with the revenge of this 'Dark Hero'. An anti-hero who stood up for the families and neighbors who were thoroughly Lee Yong and exterminated by Koreans. After he kills everyone and declares that he will follow the end, the story coming down to the south makes the confrontation with Lee Chang beyond the level of simple winding punishment.
The fact that he is the daughter of Tahab (Kim Roe-ha), a marginalist who set up a person named Asin as a woman, and called the northern castle and the night, and prevented the invasion of the wilderness for Joseon, makes us know that this anti-hero was portrayed as a symbol representing the "weak". Codes such as women, ethnicities, and marginalists are projected on the person called Asin. In the end, Asin, who is thoroughly revived by the powerful and who is killed through life and death, and revenges the blood, is like a king of the people who confront them.
When I first started this Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us genre felt that the emotions about Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us were different compared to other works because I felt a feeling of 'hungry' in them. Of course, there were Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us of the power-hungry palace, but that was why I felt compassion for the cold and hungry Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us, where the minchos changed. <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> captures the birth of the character, God, how the compassion and Han's emotion were projected to Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us.
If those who confront the plagues that are rising around the south-south Lee Chang form a force, <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> appears as a force that swallows the Joseon by the soldiers led by the North Korean woman Asin. The confrontational composition, which can not be seen as such a tight and simple composition of good and evil, expands the world view of <Kingdom>. Spatially, it extends from the south to the north, and the Remady of Asin is built on the other axis in the simple Remady of the window. It is a single Special Episode, and in a way it is the birth of Asin, which is drawn in a simple composition, but the power that this story creates in the whole series of <Kingdom> is never so small.
Therefore, after <Kingdom: Ashin of the North>, the seasons of <Kingdom> became more resilient. The confrontation between Lee Chang and Asin became more and more visible, and a somewhat conservative world view, such as the rule and dominance of the powerful (who is on the side of Mincho but also Lee Chang is the power of the prince), and a progressive world view such as the complete weak and Mincho revolution came to face each other. This story also interestingly brings out the confrontation between the two Koreas of the only divided nation, Korean Peninsula, and even the sexual confrontation against the South and the North.
So, the Special Episode is so simple and it seems to have ended up trying to do something. However, for viewers who have followed the path of the previous seasons, they stop for a while and restructure the story, making the story more anticipated. If <Kingdom> Season 1 and 2 came to something like 'Unusual Zombie 2: The Dead are Among Us Genre', <Kingdom: Ashin of the North> feels Kim Eun-hee's ambition for this work, which has already gained global attention. It looks like a small piece of piece, but it made me expect a whole puzzle to expand into a huge Remady by entering it.