On the 29th, Jo Byung-gyu agency HB Entertainment released an apology to the School violence Disclosures. First, the apology 1 was written by Disclosureja A, who wrote from Jo Byung-gyu that he was shot by a Bibitan gun in elementary school and was taken away from the soccer field. The agency said, “We have acknowledged that the statement was false through the cyber team police investigation of Bucheon Wonmi Police Station and delivered the following apology to our agency.”
“The suspect, B, claimed to have been subjected to verbal violence and physical violence during his study in New Zealand from Jo Byung-gyu, was a victim of School violence by stealing photos of his acquaintances,” the agency said. “He was a person who had no interaction with Jo Byung-gyu Actor. Mr. B's acquaintance first contacted Jo Byung-gyu Actor's legal representative company and delivered the following apology on behalf of Mr. B. "
The agency emphasized that it received an apology from A and B's acquaintances, not an apology from Mr. B.
Mr. B has opened his social network service (SNS) and claimed that he is being threatened by a person in his agency called W. “W is a person who has nothing to do with the company, and the claim that W is a company person is a false fact,” the agency said.
Earlier in February, Jo Byung-gyu was branded a School violence perpetrator online and was in trouble. He was shaken by the controversy over School violence when he was proven to be acting and box office success through OCN 'Wonderful Rumors' and was in the midst of his rising moves. He also got off at KBS2's Comeback Home, which he had decided to appear with Yoo Jae-seok due to the controversy. At the time, Jo Byung-gyu said on SNS, "When the first article that spread false facts came up, I was so embarrassed that I was hard and unfair. Even after the contact to appeal to the first place, it was difficult to shake off the unfair feelings. “I felt skepticism and disillusionment with my 26-year life because of the facts and other arguments and refutations that were made on the Internet,” he said.
Half a year on, Jo Byung-gyu's allegations of School violence are entering a new phase. There is also a growing awareness of unverified, indiscriminate online Disclosure.
PhotoHB Entertainment