Recently, Park Tae-hwan and Mo Tae-bum, who appeared in TV Chosun 'Pong-Sung-A Academy', were confirmed to have 19 Coronas. Lim Young-woong and other performers also began their isolation in case of emergency.
Since then, Lim Young-woong and Kim Hie-jae have surprised fans by reporting that the COVID-19 self-test kit test has been positive.
"Lim Young-woong is currently in a healthy state without any abnormalities thanks to the heroic era that is being given by Corona results voice," said Lim Young-woong's agency, Fish Music, on the official fan cafe on the 19th.
However, Kim Hie-jae said, "We are currently checking it," he said. "We will clarify the exact position as soon as it is confirmed."
Hello, Fish music.
Now, Lim Young-woong is using corona as a result
Thanks to the heroic age you've been giving me
to the healthy state without the abnormal symptom
Self-isolation is in progress.
The article Misinformation will be corrected soon.
Thank you.