'I know' Han So Hee's heart shake Pure Love Rapeseed or goes on the mound.
The JTBC Saturday drama "I Know You" captured the sweet vibes of Han So Hee (Unabi) and Potato youth Rapeseed or (Yang Do-hyuk) on the 9th. Expectations are high on what changes the emergence of New Babyface will make to increase tension in a breathtaking and thrilling love game.
"I Know It" predicts another change in perception with the appearance of Song Kang (Park Jae-eon)'s ex-girlfriend Lee Yeol-eum (Yoon Sul-ah) and "Han So Hee Hope" Rapeseed or. In the last three episodes, Han So Hee and Song Kang were drawn to share a deep kiss with intense attraction toward each other. While two people with different speeds of emotions predicted the change, the heated reaction of viewers also continued. In the first week of July (June 28-July 4) released by Good Data Corporation, it ranked first for three consecutive weeks in the drama TV search response, while Han So Hee and Song Kang ranked first and third in the cast keywords.
In the meantime, the sweet atmosphere of Han So Hee, Rapeseeed or enjoying a nightly date in the public photos raises curiosity. The two men’s fresh Smiles, which look at each other, feel the freshness of twenty-three youths as they are, and they are the only ones in the small dining room, late in the day when all the guests are gone. Rapeseed or, prepared for a small party for Han So Hee, wonders what the story might be hidden in a dainty cake.
The fourth episode of "I Know You", which airs tomorrow (10th) at 11pm, features Han So Hee and Song Kang, who are becoming familiar to each other. The four trailers released earlier suggested the two people sharing a lot of nights. But Song Kang, who says "I am not a man of love, but what is so far," with a hard look, questions the sweet moments that filled their time.
Rapeseed or, which has been tapping the hearts of viewers with its pureness, appears in earnest, and goes straight to Han So Hee with a charm opposite to Song Kang. There is a growing interest in how the relationship between Han So Hee and Song Kang, which are full of variables, will flow.
"I know it, but the production team said," Han So Hee and Song Kang are close to one floor, but the feelings of the two are not completely the same yet. The presence of Song Kang and other Pure Love faction Rapeseed or will come to Han So Hee in a different sense. With the emergence of the new Babyface, romance changes. "