Brave Girls agency "resigned fan manager for 'Gut controversy'...recovering all of Goods and refunding"

group Brave Girls agency Brave Entertainment has apologized for various controversies including fan manager Gut and low quality Goods.
Brave Entertainment apologized and explained the recent controversy by posting an apology from Lee Jong-hwa, vice president of the official SNS and fan cafe.
Lee Jong-hwa, vice president of the company, said, "Currently, the fan manager submitted a resignation letter and the head office repaired it." "I will humbly accept and reflect on the rebuke of the fans, which is a problem of my management qualities that are neglected in employee education."
He then promised to collect and refund all of the Goods, which were pointed out as a quality that was significantly lower than the price.
Lee also apologized for other controversies, including the unilateral deletion of the fan cafe manager, and said, "I will also do my best to check and improve all other problems that I have not grasped yet."
Earlier, an online community posted a message raising suspicions about the Gut of Brave Girls fan manager.
According to this, the fan manager made a phone call with Brave Girls members who are going to visit the scene with fans who have prepared 50 million won worth of sound equipment as a gift. I have fans here now," he said.
Brave Entertainment recently produced and sold the official Goods of Brave Girls, but it was pointed out by fans for its significantly lower quality than the price.
It also caused controversy when a YouTuber visited the advertising shoot of Brave Girls and released the filming site.
I apologize to all of you for bowing down. This is Lee Jong-hwa, Vice President of Brave Entertainment.
First, I apologize to all the fans for the Chinese white shrimp in the recent unfavorable things, and I would like to explain the details and follow-up of various things, and the company-level compensation, as well as the Chinese white shrimp in the promise to prevent recurrence. Our Brave Entertainment, which has grown up with your love, has now recognized and reflected on the seriousness of Chinese white shrimp and posted an official apology on various problems.
Our Brave Entertainment has not been able to repay your expectations and love, so I and all the people in charge feel heavy responsibility. Chinese white shrimp in various unsavory things I acknowledge that the part and response that I could not prevent in advance was also inappropriate and I apologize deeply once again with my sincere heart. Especially, I sincerely apologize to the Brave Girls fans who have felt uncomfortable with the problems listed below.
1. Controversy over Gut of fan managers;
2. Deleting a one-sided post of a fan cafe manager;
3. Problems with the quality of return of cancellations related to Goods;
4. Admission to the advertising agency for Brave Entertainment;
5. The position of Brave Entertainment on YouTuber H.
6. Problems of participating in the (model agent) acquaintance of the project for advertising photography;
7. Problems of neglect in communication with fan cafes;
8.Brave Girls YouTube Official Channel-related position
1. Controversy over the Gut of fan managers;
Currently, the fan manager submitted his resignation letter, and the head office repaired it. I will humbly accept and reflect on the criticism of the fans who are neglecting the staff training. The newly designated fan manager promises to communicate from the standpoint of fans through thorough personality verification.
2. Deleting a one-sided post of a fan cafe manager;
We will do our best to prevent similarities from happening again through 1:1 interview with all employees in the relevant department, including the newly designated fan manager and the staff, and the responsible person who ordered the deletion and the fan cafe post manager will be able to listen to the fans' opinions through thorough training.
3. Problems with the quality of return of Goods revocation related to Goods;
Goods, which was previously sold, promises to collect and refund all Chinese white shrimp in the amount of refund and return, and will contact all purchasers sequentially.
4. Admission to the advertising agency for Brave Entertainment;
On July 5, we will officially announce the termination of the contract for the delivery of Chinese white shrimp to the advertising agency that acted as an advertising video production based on the violation of the contract at the advertising filming site.
* Contract Violation Contents without prior consultation / YouTuber without prior consultation
5. The position of Brave Entertainment on YouTuber H.
The head office did not proceed with any consultation or conversation with the troubled YouTuber H, and if the advertising agency OJ decided to sue the YouTuber, it would not take any other legal action from the head office if the complaint was confirmed by the advertising agency.
6. Problems of participating in the (model agent) acquaintance of the project for advertising photography;
Regarding the suspicion of a lot of fans pointing out, this advertisement is not a request for advertising production work from the model agent at the head office, but on the contrary, it is different from the fact that the head office received an advertisement model contract through the model agent.
7. Problems of neglect in communication with fan cafes;
We will increase the number of managers to communicate with fan cafes, collect opinions from fans, and regularly listen to the opinions of managers for fans through internal meetings.
8. Brave Girls' position on YouTube official channels;
Currently, the Brave Girls channel has applied at the time when the official Artist Channel (OAC) application qualifications have been met and is waiting for results from YouTube. I am sorry that I did not announce it quickly because of Chinese white shrimp in the progress, and I will show you the change through quick communication in the future. There were many fans' opinions about Chinese white shrimp in the part that was not immediately reflected at the time of uploading related to video content subtitles. We are currently working on subtitles through our partners, but it takes two to three days to reflect them. We will ask our partners as soon as possible.
I will also do my best to check and improve all the time, even though it is Chinese white shrimp in other problems that I have not grasped yet.
Thanks to the great interest and love you have given me, Brave Entertainment is doing the first work and action that I have not yet gone. But we are preparing for a clear and transparent follow-up because this Yuna excuse for the inexperience and ignorance of many wrong things can not be made.
After this time, our Brave Entertainment will post this apology on the homepage announcement and our SNS channel for 10 days. I promise to make concrete improvements so that I can repay your love and change, and I will continue to take a more responsible and careful step with this opportunity. I also thank the fans and apologize again.
Lee Jong-hwa, Vice President of Brave Entertainment, Rewards