Singer Kang Min-soo (Aquinas), who publicly expressed his feelings about the fact that he is bisexual, said, "I'm not sure. Kang Min-soo said on his SNS on the 15th, "I will also live hard so that my courage can help sexual minorities."
Kang Min-soo recently posted on SNS 'I am bisexual' and Coming Out as bisexual. "I wanted to give courage to sexual minorities, and I thought I should stand on their side, so I finally got the story I wanted to tell," he said in a conversation with the company. " (Coming Out) I never regret it."
He said, "I can imagine how hard it would have been for those who were turned away from their family only because of Sexual minority, those who were hurt by the people around them, and so on. We are not bad, we are not special, we are just the same human beings," stressing that Sexual minority is not "wrong" but "different."
"I will also live hard so that my courage can help the sexual minorities, and I, you, us, everyone deserve to be loved," he said.
The following is a specialization in writing by Kang Min-soo:
Those who were turned away from their families just because they were sexual minorities, those who were hurt by the people around them. I can imagine how hard it must have been.
We're not mean, we're not special. We're just the same people.
I'll live my life so that my courage can help sexual minorities. I, you, us, everyone deserves to be loved.
Kang Min-soo said in a telephone conversation with the afternoon of the 13th, "I was worried for three or four hours before I posted it," and told the background of "Courageous Confessions". Kang Min-soo was born in January 2001 and is 20 years old.
" (sexual identity) is just one information that anyone has in life, it was so frustrating to have to hide this," Kang Min-soo said of Coming Out's background. And "in our society, Sexual minority is still discriminated against and criticized. When I did these Confessions at a young age, I thought that sexual minorities would be encouraged and not comforted. "
Kang Min-soo surprised people by posting "I'm a bisexual; I'm bisexual" on Instagram on the 13th. bisexual refers to a tendency to have sexual curiosity in both men and women.
Kang Min-soo said, "I think the sexual identity I have since I was born is natural, but I am discriminated against and criticized for Sexual minority. Even someone is turned away from their family. "
Kang Min-soo, who had thought that he should say "natural" someday, was encouraged to stand on the side of sexual minorities. There were some comments of concern on his Confessions, but mostly cheering comments lined up; overseas fans gave support to Kang Min-soo in their own languages.
"I was worried about whether I could post it or what kind of reaction would come if I raised it. But I wanted to give courage to sexual minorities, and I thought I should stand on their side, so I finally got out the story I wanted to tell. "
"(Coming Out) never regrets it," he said, but there was something Kang Min-soo had on his mind: Family.
Because it is Sexual minority
If you're being turned away from your family,
Those who are hurt, etc.
I can imagine how hard it must have been.
We're not mean, we're not special.
Just everybody's the same person.
My courage is to tell the sexual minorities
I'm also trying to help
I'll live my life.
I, you, us, everyone
You deserve to be loved.