Kim So-yeon 'embarrassed' by dance demands...Aspiring party Singer Kim So-yeon, who is called 'Trot IU', was expected to be active.
On the afternoon of the 22nd, MBC 'Trot's Nation' TOP4 Ahn Sung-joon, Kim So-yeon, Kim Jae-long, and Doubles new EP album Twogether (Twogether)' were released at the Ilsan Shocking Studio in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province. The media Showcase was broadcast live online.
Kim So-yeon, who is a runner-up in the 'Trot's Nation', has released the song 'Stop As You', an authentic trot genre that was created by the composer team. Kim So-yeon's refreshing and youthful charm and the heavyness of authentic trots combine to give a different kind of fun.
Kim So-yeon, a high school student, said, "I was just a student, but I thought I should work harder because I was runner-up and cheered all around me." I can do everything well," he said.
Kim So-yeon, who is determined to start his activities with the announcement of a new song in earnest, smiled, "It is good to be able to make a new challenge through a new song."
Kim So-yeon refers to Yonja Kim as a role model and says, "You debut at a younger age than me, but you are active in Singers and entertainment. I do not think I want to be like Yonja Kim "
As for the promise to enter the music charts of the new song, he expressed his aspirations that "anything can be done". Kim So-yeon was embarrassed by the request to "dance once" and then shouted "I will do anything if I make you do it".
Meanwhile, "Twogether," with TOP4 Ahn Sung-joon, Kim So-yeon, Kim Jae-long and Doubles, was released on various online music sites at 12:00 pm today (22nd).