Kim Sang-hyuk from Click-B and Song Dae-ye's 'vile performance' seem to continue after the common-law marriage relationship clearing.
The beginning of the case began when Kim Sang-hyuk appeared on the YouTube entertainment program Aedong Shindang on the 23rd and confessed to the past divorce company. Kim Sang-hyuk said, "I do not want to marriage right now, but I wonder if I have any luck in achieving a whole family later."
Kim Sang-hyuk, who was advised to "meet your opponent carefully," said, "I have been known for my life as an entertainer, but I have experienced too much work that I do not have to go through in my life." "I will talk to you personally, but there are many things I am doing because of my opponent."
“The Friend doesn’t want to say anything, nor do he want to swear, and I think that my choice and the Friend are wrong,” he said.
Song Dae-ye, a party who cleared Kim Sang-hyuk and Common-law marriage, made a warning statement on his Instagram on Monday, beyond being offended by the comments. He said, "I think I want to be an issue, but I will release it as cool as I want." He captured dozens of transcripts and evidence videos on his album. “If you mention who you’re thinking about and what you’re talking about, I’ll make it public,” he said. “Don’t touch people who live well.”
Song Dae-ye also revealed his inner feelings in an interview with the media. “I promised to make sure (each other) that I would make a decision for Kim Sang-hyuk, a celebrity, rather than me as a non-entertainer,” he told iMBC. “But Kim Sang-hyuk continues to mention (divorce) on the air. I’m even doing a victim’s cosplay, so my name goes up and down.”
“If you mention the divorce again, you will never stay still,” he said. “We have to make everything public.”
Actually Kim Sang-hyuk has mentioned the diverce directly in various entertainment programs he has appeared in.
Kim Sang-hyuk's counterattack also followed. Kim Sang-hyuk said in his instagram that "I talked about the process of living, but why do you mix the two words like you said in the process of divorce and cause confusion?" I never said it was anyone's fault and I just wanted to not say it. "
"I do not have anything to make it myself, and I am paying the article. “I don’t think I’m popular, but I don’t want to be a person who has been on the air for a long time, but I follow this question like a tag. I don’t want to be interested in issues like this.”
“I don’t mean to be interested in talking about sensitive feelings as gossip,” he said. “Please don’t just put up the story before and after and encourage the disorder.”
Kim Sang-hyuk and Song Daye received high-profile attention, announcing the marriage news in April 2019 in person. Song Dae-ye is a person who has been word-of-mouth from the public in the past as 'Eul-chan' and is known to have broken up with LG Chau-chan just before marriage. It was the news of Kim Sang-hyuk's marriage, which was 'Eul-chan' and 'Icon of fashion fashion fashion' in the past, so I received interest and congratulations from many people.
But their marriage life has not been more than a year; they announced the news of the diverce in April 2020, on the first anniversary of marriage. In fact, I did not legally go through the divorce procedure without filing a marriage report. It is expected that only two sides agreed upon a Common-law marriage relationship clearing.
Kim Sang-hyuk and Song Dae-ye were in a row as the rumor that Kim Sang-hyuk assaulted Song Dae-ye at the time of the Common-law marriage cleaning and witnessed them in hospitals and police stations continued. Kim Sang-hyuk denied the allegations.
At the time, Song Dae-ye told iMBC, "It was not a legal couple but a common-law marriage relationship. “I am embarrassed to hear that Kim Sang-hyuk and I have been subjected to legal duty procedures,” he said. “We agreed not to mention the reason for the breakup as a condition to end the Common-law marriage relationship at the time.”