No matter how much AD is, 'Two Much' is causing the subscribers to Chatter.
YouTuber Lallal appeared in the content 'Bobmukja' in the YouTube channel 'Dae Hee' operated by the broADcaster Kim Dae-hee recently. 'Bobmukja' is a motif of the scene where the blunt Gyeongsang father communicates with his family in front of the table in the corner of KBS 2TV Gag Concert' in the past.
Rallal, who appeared on the day, said, "I am blinded by AD these days, so I do not shoot AD or anything?" Kim Dae-hee pinched the AD problem in YouTube. Kim Dae-hee then began eating cereal, saying, "Who is it? This is not AD." But Rallal said, "I don't think you can eat it again. You are always very good at it, "he joked.
Kim Dae-hee told YouTube senior Lallal, "I used to see a lot of people, but now I do not see it well." Rallal said, "Have you thought about the reason?" "I came to my memories because I liked the old Gag Concert' sensibility. Would you subscribe to Chicken, to the rice bowl, saying, 'If you eat this, it is delicious? "
Last year, among YouTubers, the so-called "back AD" controversy, which was promoted on the air without specifying the AD cost from the company, was raised. The big YouTubers repeatedly retired and returned, and the atmosphere was upbeat. The front AD, which is opposite to the 'back AD', appeared. In the first place, we are creating videos for AD or Choices 'PPL' strategy.
As a result, the broADcasters also Choices this strategy. SBS 'Running Man' and 'Deathmaster' are properly dissolving publicity in the broADcasts such as "This is PPL" and "Listen to it as soon as possible". SBS monthly drama 'Rocket Boys' also recited the impression of the taste suddenly in the scene of Chicken and Tteokbokki food, and asked, "Who are you talking to?" It was a scene that suggested that it was a story to be thrown at viewers outside the TV.
Kim Dae-hee YouTube 'Dae Hee' also produced a number of 'PPL' videos. In the early days of the YouTube channel, 'Dae Hee' was well received by the combination of appropriate PPL and memories Gag Concert' and Kim Dae-hee's talks. However, the reaction of viewers is grADually fADing in the repeated ADs. Daehee is also aware of this problem.
The problem is 'overpaid': Subscribers are complaining of fatigue in the AD in front of 'Two Much', which is pouring out recently. Although it is clear that it is AD, it is difficult to enjoy the contents because the amount of publicity is excessive. Every time new content is uploADed, most of the AD takes up the amount, which is absurd for existing subscribers.
YouTube channel Jin-kyeong Hong', which hAD been loved by many people with its unique concept and realistic appearance, is also pointed out as an excessive AD. In the YouTube channel video of Jin-kyeong Hong, which was posted on May 24, it was depicted producing historical cartoon contents with his daughter Rael, and AD such as desk and pizza appeared in a series of 10 minutes. In other images, moisture cream, tablet PC, punggi dog, and red ginseng slices were lined up.
Currently, Jin-kyeong Hong' is broADcasting not only YouTube but also Kakao TV web entertainment of the same name. In the case of web entertainment, it is pointed out that only the contents for AD are uploADed on YouTube while the 'spin-off' format is separated from the main part and the AD.
On the other hand, there are also a few people who interpret AD proposals as a measure of popularity according to the size of YouTube channels. Also, how to storytelling is also a selling point for subscribers.