TOMORROW X Twogether has graced Rolling Stone India's cover
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bum-gyu, Tae-hyun, and Huning Kai) decorated the cover of the June issue of Rolling Stone India, an Indian Music media. Rolling Stone India introduced TOMORROW X Twogether under the title of 'TOMORROW X Twogether's endless dream, K - pop next generation is not worried'. The five members matched various items such as hats, socks, and ties with a sense of sense, and robbed their eyes with trendy fashion and visuals full of Boyishness.
In addition, a video interview of TOMORROW X Twogether was also released on the official SNS channel of Rolling Stone India on the 9th. TOMORROW X Twogether is a regular 2nd album 'Chaos: freeze' and the title song '0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) feat. In addition to introducing Seori ' (Zero Esporte Clube Bahia One Love Song), he also told a genuine story about Music, including work with global producers and participation in albums.
TOMORROW X Twogether said, "Since we have always sincerely conveyed the story that we can do since debut, we naturally told the stories of teenagers. I am glad that many of the former World people who listen to our Music are sympathetic to it. "
βAll of the members participated in the album in various ways, including composition and writing, and I think that as they were more skilled than the first time, they had more opportunities for members to participate,β he added.
When asked about his feelings of winning titles such as 'Fourth Generation Idol Representative' and 'Future of K - Pop' with great achievements in two years, TOMORROW X Twogether said, "Thank you for giving us such a modifier and it is an honor. I want to be a wonderful artist who sings songs that many people can sympathize with and comfort, "he said humbly.
TOMORROW X Twogether is a chapter of chaos: freeze released on the 31st of last month, and has been showing great popularity on various Music and Music charts. According to the Hanter chart, a record sales aggregation site on the 7th, freeze sold 635,633 copies during the week of release (May 31-June 6) and set a record high as a debut 3-year group.
Also, the album reached number 19 on the UK's Official Album Downloads Chart Top 100 on the 4th (local time), and number 4 on the Billboards' World Album chart on June 15, and peaked on the Japan Oricon Daily Album chart on June 7 and the Top Song chart on the Line Music Weekly on June 9. It is getting a hot response in the usic market.