Singer Yi Jang-hui appeared in the sbs entertainment program All The Butlers' broadcasted on the evening of the 13th.
Yi Jang-hui said he was hit by debut 50 Years; Yi Jang-hui said, "In fact, I did not have a long career as an entertainer. I just did a little song. "I think I have the least career experience among the singers who have been in 50 Years."
The production team asked, "Yi Jang-hui knows that TV appearances are less than 10 times in the 50th year of debut." Yi Jang-hui said, "Yes. There has to be something good to be on the air, but I don't have it," he said. Yi Jang-hui said, "I like nature and I am living in Ulleungdo." "I was against Ulleungdo."
On the other hand, sbs All The Butlers' is broadcast every Sunday at 6:30 pm.