Song Ji-hyo, Running Man' fan communication king 1st place ..Yang Se-chan, Ji Suk-jin card to pay 300,000 won

Song Ji-hyo was named 'Communicating King' among Running Man' members. Lee Kwang-soo, Ji Suk-jin and Haha won the penalty and laughed a big smile as a sinner.
On the 9th SBS Running Man', members gathered at SBS headquarters in Mokdong. On this day, the members performed a mission to pay by using the member personal card and the main PD card after digesting the schedule such as 'Jungle's Law', 'Alley Restaurant', All The Butlers'.
The first schedule was 'Jungle's Law', and Running Man' members started a mission to build a base Camp by dividing the team. After building all the base Camps, I also enjoyed Camping comfortably after returning to my team uniform. Yang Se-chan, who is the number one contributor to the first schedule, chose Ji Suk-jin's card and paid 300,000 won.
The second schedule was 'Alley Restaurant', and Running Man' members performed strawberry Game. In particular, this strawberry Game is an infinitely modified strawberry Game, and Yoo Jae-Suk, which is called the national MC, was the most vulnerable event. Yoo Jae-Suk showed a good following in the early stages of the Game, but he was hit by the attack of the members.
The third schedule was All The Butlers, which the production team said would receive a viewer vote on the theme of "Who is the best person to communicate with fans?" The bottom four were also scheduled to meet with Chief Executive Officer Choi Young, the president of the entertainment Bureau.
The Running Man' members hosted live broadcasts with fans for about 10 minutes; members tried to appeal themselves to the viewers as much as possible to get tickets. After a short communication session with fans, members confirmed the results of the vote.
The member who was proudly number one among the eight members was Song Ji-hyo, who was surprised when his name was called. Other members were "popular vote"; the second place that followed was Yoo Jae-Suk. Kim Jong Kook and Lee Kwang-soo were third and fourth respectively, and they were able to avoid the meeting.
From fifth to eighth, were Jeon So-min, Haha, Yang Se-chan and Ji Suk-jin. In fact, Haha and Ji Suk-jin, who communicate with fans and all kinds of SNS, were in the bottom and laughed. Yoo Jae-Suk said of Ji Suk-jin that "this brother is giving up his life and communicating" and Ji Suk-jin "is unfair. I do all the existing SNS," he said.
The bottom four moved to meet Chief Choe Yeong; the oldest, Ji Suk-jin, had earlier entered the General Manager's Office. Choi Young-in, general manager, said, "I do not know why it is part of the penalty to talk to me like this." "It feels bad."
After the meeting with the general manager, the members of the "Running Man" even digested their last schedule, "Burning Youth." Finally, a bead Race was held to select the final penalty. As a result, Lee Kwang-soo, Ji Suk-jin and Haha won the penalty and made a sinner in the station lobby.
Photo: SBS broadcast screen