"No worth responding to?"..," Park Soo-min (Sergeant first class) has slammed the allegations against sex scandal.

Park Soo-min, a former member of the 707th Special Mission and running the YouTube channel 'Park Sergeant first class', recently refuted the sex scandal allegations. However, the opinions of the netizens are still divided in his reputation.
MBC liberal arts program 'Structural Exploration Team' said on the 14th, "I will reveal the truth of a man who runs a TV program and runs a personal broadcast while hiding his reality on the 17th broadcast." The title of the corresponding round was set as 'a real man'.
The 'Silhwa Exploration Team' did not reveal the real name of the first class of A Sergeant, but based on the explanation that 'the reserves from the special unit are gathering to appear in the entertainment that covers the best unit' and 'YouTube channel is running', the netizens speculated that A Sergeant first class is not the YouTuber 'Sergeant first class' Park Soo-min. Park Soo-min has a history of appearing on Channel A 'Steel Unit', but he is currently off.
On the 13th, the day before, Park Soo-min got off the "steel unit" for "personal issues." There was also suspicion that the broadcaster and Park Soo-min had decided to get off the controversy in advance. Even the 'steel unit' said that he edited the amount of "Park Soo-min" who got off for personal reasons.
As the suspicions toward Park Soo-min are continuing, Park Soo-min indirectly refuted the suspicion through his instagram on the night of the 14th, saying, "I am not still because I can not speak, I am not worth responding to." However, his reputation is causing a lot of controversy among the netizens. While there is a position of "I believe and support", there is also a side that "I do not understand why I will stay still when I am Victims of controversy".
Common sense, Park Soo-min's handling is not ordinary. Usually, when it is entangled in sensitive issues such as sex scandals, Victims sues the first distributor or asks for a ban on broadcasting to the broadcaster that foresaw the broadcast. If you need immediate explanation, you can also post explanations on SNS. Park Soo-min is also a YouTuber with more than 50,000 subscribers, so it is more sensitive to this controversy. However, Park Soo-min is consistent with the silent answer, saying, "It is not worth responding." What is the truth of the controversy, what is the secret privacy of the 'realization expedition' that the 'secret privacy' will reveal, and the public's attention is gathering.