Broadcaster Park Ji-yoon has revealed the latest news of Jeju Island Sali.
In MBC Where is My Home' broadcasted on May 2, Park Ji-yoon will also go on sale for Jeju Island.
On this day, an international couple who decided to save Jeju Island appeared as The Client. The two are designers who are active in New York and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and have been long-distance dating for a while. Recently, when the opportunity to meet with Corona 19 was reduced, he decided to stay together in Korea. In addition, according to the opinion of a Danish boyfriend who experienced a month living in Jeju Island last year, Jeju Island also said he was looking for a house. The area was within an hour of the car at the Jeju Island University Korean Language School, where the Danish The Client attended, and hoped for a Jeju Island emotional house. In addition, mining wanted a basic, spacious kitchen and a high-rise house, and the budget was up to 16 million won per year or up to 350 million won per rent regardless of the deposit.
On the double team, broadcaster Park Ji-yoon scrambled to The Interncody. He appeared on Homes in 2019 and led Duck to victory, and this time he appeared as The Intern Cody of the team, not Duck Team. Park Ji-yoon reveals his desireful appearance, saying, "I came out to win the team."
Park Ji-yoon confesses that he has been six months since becoming Jeju Island Gyeongnam FC. He says that Jeju Island has been preparing to move since 2014, and he focuses attention on Jeju Island by saying that there is no place where he can not reach every corner. In addition, we are in Sexual Healing with nature these days, and Jeju Island is also a blue barley season, so we are wearing clothes in blue barley color.
Park Ji-yoon is a steamed Jeju Island Gyeongnam FC, who is preparing to make Jeju Island. The separation and discharge of waste is somewhat difficult, so it emphasizes the importance of the collection box, but the multipurpose room. Finally, the worms often appear because of the high humidity. He said he surprised everyone by giving various tips in his life.