Lee Kwang-soo will be disjointed on SBS entertainment program Running Man' on May 24th, according to his agency King Kong by Starship on the 27th.
Fans are making a sad voice in the news of Lee Kwang-soo's disjoint, who was in charge of the axis of Running Man' as a first-year member. Some fans went to Lee Kwang-soo's SNS and commented, "Do not leave," "I will miss you," and "Running Man without Lee Kwang-soo is not the same as before."
It is no exaggeration to say that Lee Kwang-soo has grown up with Running Man'. Lee Kwang-soo, who made his debut with the sitcom "He Comes" in October 2008, announced his face with the sitcom "High Kick Through the Roof" the following year, but he was still a new actor unfamiliar to the public. Since then, he has joined the Running Man' who was looking for a new face and started to stand out. With a big look and personality, he gave a smile to viewers with various characters such as 'Moham Kwang Soo', 'Gwangbata', 'Betrayal Giraffe', 'Kangson', '
He was also popular with Running Man' and got the modifier 'Asian Prince' and became a Korean star. members and 'Chemie' were also impressive. Ji Suk-jin showed off 'Easy Brothers', Haha and 'Betrayalal combination', Kim Jong-kook 'Tom and Jerry' and Song Ji-hyo 'Real brother and sister' chemistry. Jeon So-min also won the Best Couple Award at the 2017 SBS Entertainment Awards. In 2016, he won the Best Male Award in Variety, the Popular Award in 2018 and the SNS Star Award in 2019.
"Lee Kwang-soo was undergoing a steady rehabilitation treatment due to injuries caused by an accident last year, but there were some parts that were difficult to maintain the best condition when shooting," the agency said. "After the accident, I decided to have time to reorganize my body and mind. "He said.
"The members and the crew have been discussing Lee Kwang-soo and the program disjoint for a long time and decided to respect Lee Kwang-soo's disjoint doctor," said Running Man.
Lee Kwang-soo was in contact with a signal-breaking vehicle on a personal schedule on February 15 last year. After the accident, he was examined at a nearby hospital and suffered a fractured right ankle and suffered activity. He was devoted to treatment and he returned to Running Man' with crutches in two weeks and showed a special affection for the program. members are more special as they have overcome the crisis of abolishing the program in 2017.
However, he felt realistic difficulties in rehabilitation and shooting, and after discussions with members and crews, he decided to disjoint.
The agency said, "It was not easy to decide that it was disjoint because it was a program that had a short period of 11 years, but I decided that it needed physical time to show better things in future activities." "I sincerely thank you for your interest and love for Lee Kwang-soo through Running Man', and Lee Kwang-soo will greet you with a healthy and bright look."
Running Man' was inevitably changed by the gap of Lee Kwang-soo, who had a different presence among the members. For the time being, the company plans to continue broadcasting with the system of 8 to 7 people (Yoo Jae-Suk Kim Jong-kook Haha Song Ji-hyo Ji Suk-jin Jeon So-min Yang Se-chan) without a successor. The regrets of Running Man' and Lee Kwang-soo, who have been accompanying for 11 years, seem to be long in many ways.
"Running Man" said, "I was sadly beautiful, but I would like to ask Lee Kwang-soo and his members who made a hard decision to warmly support and encourage the viewers, and the members and crew of Running Man' will also support 'Eternal member' Lee Kwang-soo "