'All The Butlers' Tak Jae-hun X Lee Sang-min Bon Yang Se-hyeong "This is a 'Mirror Bird' shot" distrust

Seoul=) = Tak Jae-hun and Lee Sang-min did not win the trust of the cast of All The Butlers.
Tak Jae-hun and Lee Sang-min appeared on SBS 'All The Butlers' broadcast on the 7th.
On this day, Yang Se-heeong decided to gather members scattered all over Seoul to meet the master. Originally, "All The Butlers" was filmed on Monday, but Master Master said that it was inevitably changed because it was only Sunday. The first members I met were Kim Dong-hyun and Cha Eun-woo, and then I went to pick up Lee Seung-gi, who attended the wedding ceremony of the announcer. Yang Se-heeong joked, "It's a bad thing in many ways to get out of the master master today"; all the members were nervous about their usual and different shootings.
They arrived in a deserted mountain house, and when they did not answer the door, they went through the open window toward the kitchen. The cast looked at the interior and guessed about the master.
At this time, Tak Jae-hun and Lee Sang-min appeared, and then Yang Se-heeong was surprised that "you are the masters". Yang Se-heeong believed that they would be waiting for another master master master without thinking that they would be masters at all. Lee Seung-gi also said, "I don't think it's my master." Tak Jae-hun, Lee Sang-min, kept saying that they were master masters, but Yang Se-heeong insisted that "I do not do it for a day or two." Lee Sang-min asked, in a rage, "Why do you think we're not master masters?" Tak Jae-hun said, "What master master is so good?" Yang Se-heeong did not believe the two until the end, saying, "This is 'My Little Old Boy' shooting."