24 Days In the SBS entertainment program Running Man', members transform into High school students in the 80s, while Kim Bo-sung and Defconn are the guest.
In the recent recording, Running Man' members were divided into 'Running High School', 'Band Division', and 'Dance Department', respectively, and completely digested the concept of High school students in the 80s.
First, the band members Song Ji-hyo, Haha, and Yang Se-chan appeared with the side hair and colorful bridge hair that were popular at that time, causing laughter. The dancers Kim Jong-kook, Ji Suk-jin, and Jeon So-min showed a brilliant dance movement centered on Kim Jong-kook, who was a real dancer during their school days.
Among them, Yoo Jae-Suk and Lee Kwang-soo played as the leading roles of fear. It is the back door that the unique Kahn of Yoo Jae-Suk, the betrayal of Lee Kwang-soo, and the mismatch of Kim Bo-sung played together and laughed.
Meanwhile, Race, who summoned the memories of the 80s perfectly, will be released at Running Man', which will be broadcasted at 5 pm on the 24th Days.