How can Lee Yong-gyun's Automation Baseball 2020 1 Difference, Flexen's Low Strike and Lee Min-ho's left-handed opponent and Doosan Kim Tae-hyung's unconventional Kyonggi operation and lg's advantage 'rich hitter' be saved? Baseball in 2020 was different from baseball in previous years (difference). The Corona was late, the schedule was tight, and fans couldn’t find the ballpark. Jamsil Stadium was a little different on the 4th (difference). It was never before this season that more than 10,000 people came to Jamsil Stadium. Doosan starter Flexen, the first year of the KBO league, and Lee Min-ho, a high school graduate, also experienced the first time.
lg's No. 1 hitter Hong Chang-ki picked a walk to push the tie against Ahn Woo-jin in the WC Heroes match two days ago, and he cut the fastball, and the change ball endured and won the match against Ahn Woo-jin 155km. Doosan Flexen was a little different (difference): the first pitch, the second pitch, the ball over 150km was laid low and became the Strike Declaration. When the right-hander's powerful Rising Fastball becomes Strike on the low side, it is hard for batters to cope with it; a ball that they judged was low came alive and passed through the zone. Hong Chang-ki's zone, which is good at 'eyeball', shook and was Strike by the curve. After one out, Kim Hyun-soo was also conscious of low fastball Strike and stepped down to the swing Striking in the low outside. The expected No. 4 Ramos was no different (difference); the high fastball was a weakness that the entire KBO knew, and still weak; eventually, he was four at-bats and 4Striking. lg 1-4 had 10 Strikings on the day. lg starter Lee Min-ho has a slightly lower arm on the pitch. It is close to a three-quarter. The results of the left-handed and right-handed opponents differ greatly (difference) This season, the right-handed opponent OPS was 0.578 and the left-handed opponent OPS was 0.767. The batting average was more stark, raising his right-handed opponent to 0.202, but to 0.295 against the left-handed opponent. Doosan is a "left-handed" line-up. For Lee Min-ho, who didn't deserve a weapon to deal with the left-handed, it was best to keep the slider close to the left-handed body. WC Heroes starter Brigham had a significant effect with the ball. However, the second 142km slider thrown to Jose Fernandez was not as close as he thought, and it became a dangerous ball. The nineteen high school graduates became another pitcher after the home run. The 142km slider, which was attached to the body of No. 4 Kim Jae-hwan, was not much different from the cutter. Jamsil Stadium began to heat up. The score was 2-0, but it turned into a fight over who scored first: lg's chase could change the mood; Doosan needed another.
It was the Doosan players who noticed the flow that changed in the fall (difference). No.8 Jung Soo-bin rocked Lee Min-ho with a surprise bunt in the second inning. Nine-time Oh Jae-won also made a bunt move on the first pitch, complicating Lee Min-ho; the Doosan bench also changed in the fourth. (difference) Coach Kim Tae-hyung is a manager who does not use the operation well; he was the least of the 10 teams with 38 sacrifice bunt successes this season. In the fourth inning, Park Se-hyuk picked a walk and the third base coach's signature was lengthened. Kim Jae-ho, who had his gloved hand, took a bunt position. Fake bunt and slash went through and the batting ball headed in front of center fielder; tight flow by Musa 1 and 3 was definitely changing the flow of Kyonggi. (difference) The bold number of director Kim Tae-hyung worked. Oh Jae-won, who has a .232 season batting average and 0.688 OPS, will be a completely different (difference) player in the fall. He threw the bat hard after hitting the first and third bases of the second and the third bases, and although he did not pass the difference, he was enough to score one more point. Kim Tae-hyung ordered Jung Soo-bin to sacrifice bunt once again in the sixth inning at first base; the 39th this season. Oh Jae-won's timely hit was a hit that actually broke the game.