EXO Baekhyun, Chanyeol 'Personal Life Disclosure' acquaintance 'Pest handling' + "Who is my acquaintance?".

On the 30th, netizen A posted a long Disclosure letter to the community saying that he learned Chanyeol through Baekhyun.
Mr. A said, "Greed is greedy, but it was a Friend with ambition. This situation is all your karma, "he said." I would have told you to be careful to tell you with your words and actions that will frown on my impression. You may not remember what you said at the time, but I remember clearly. "I like people who like me anyway, and it was deceitful," he said. "I did not have the least courtesy of those who like you, cheer you up and believe you."
"I did not imagine that you, Mr. Friend (A), who lived with the words that he would die if he interfered with his music life, would have recorded it. You can look back and reflect on yourself before you blame anyone, and if you call me and tell me about it, I’ll defend you. Please wake up. Baekhyun doesn't live like you."
Among them, Baekhyun told the official SNS, "Oh, so...who is my acquaintance? "He wrote a statement about the behavior of catching the mosquitoes, which are the Pests, and said that he did not know the netizens who claimed to be acquaintances.
Mr. A, who recently claimed to be a former woman Friend, Disclosure said that Personal Life was disordered, with Chanyeol having an affair with him.
Mr. A claimed that Chanyeol's active dash started his relationship at the end of October 2017 and was about to mark the third anniversary of his recent relationship. In the meantime, Chanyeol has been involved with more than 10 people including girl group, crew, dancer, YouTuber and BJ. The article also included high-level sexual content about Chanyeol.
Mr. A has released a photo of his skinning in the space presumed to be Chanyeol's house and a photo commemorating the 790th day of his relationship with EXO Chanyeol.
However, Chanyeol is avoiding the official position and explanations for the uncontrollable image hit, and the movie is also about to be released. At this point, when the controversy is still not getting better on the second day, it is noteworthy when Chanyeol will reveal his position on the Personal Life Disclosure.