Choi Siwon, released during the extraordinary Theme song from the koji, said, "Children are our future."

Choi Siwon posted a picture on his Instagram on the afternoon of the 29th.The photo caught the eye of Choi Siwons childhood, and he looked at the camera with a piece of watermelon in his hand and a keen eye.From the cake leaves, the unusual visuals were outstanding.In addition, Choi Siwon said, Children are our future. I think we need our continued interest and a sense of responsibility to make all children grow up in a good environment.Recalling memories, he left a message.Meanwhile, Choi Siwon was appointed as a goodwill ambassador representing UNICEF East Asia Pacific region last November and continues to work for the protection of childrens rights, education and equality.

Choi Siwon posted a picture on his Instagram on the afternoon of the 29th.

The photo caught the eye of Choi Siwon's childhood, and he looked at the camera with a piece of watermelon in his hand and a keen eye. From the cake leaves, the unusual visuals were outstanding.

In addition, Choi Siwon said, "Children are our future. I think we need our continued interest and a sense of responsibility to make all children grow up in a good environment. Recalling memories," he left a message.

Meanwhile, Choi Siwon was appointed as a goodwill ambassador representing UNICEF East Asia Pacific region last November and continues to work for the protection of children's rights, education and equality.