Clasys, a global medical device company, announced that it held the 2020 Shrink Webina on September 17th.
In this webina, which Clasys is conducting to go to the clinical data and know-how of the product, about 100 famous Neurology people including Global Key Doctor participated.
On the same day, Webina announced the improvement of the existing product based on the performance of Shrink and the actual case case case, as the speaker of the Key Doctor of Shrink,
Especially, it is the back door that showed considerable interest in the field by Gong Yoo, which has various practical know-how that can be applied directly to clinical practice.
“Ultraformer III is constantly developing in the institute to create beauty medical equipment that can be used to suit the needs of patients and the purpose of doctors,” said Clasys. “We will continue to make efforts to popularize beauty medical devices through various marketing and active support with Key Doctors.”
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