All The Butlers' Lee Seung-gi, Seol Min-seok appears to be embarrassed...Welcome as a bus selection, why?

All The Butlers' featured 'National Instructor' Seol Min-seok as Master.
In the SBS entertainment program All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 27th, 'Edutainer' Seol Min-seok, who became a 'national lecturer' with fresh and witty lectures, appeared as a master.
Members cheered more than ever in the appearance of Master Seol Min-seok, who had a special relationship with the members of All The Butlers'.
Lee Seung-gi, in particular, was embarrassed by the appearance of Seol Min-seok and ran out on the bus and laughed. Lee Seung-gi recently sent glasses presented to Seol Min-seok to the All The Butlers' donation auction.
On this day, the 'National Instructor' master introduced the DNA of our people who are strong in Danger, making the members as well as the scene a wave of impression.
Seol Min-seok said he brought about how to overcome Covid. "Europe has grown rapidly with the Renaissance since Pandemic," he said, introducing the theme of "Danger as an opportunity."
"Natural beans are a history of human victory," said Seol Min-seok, introducing the history of infectious diseases in our country. Lee Seung-gi and Cha Eun-woo showed off the knowledge of 'All Church Brothers' by matching the quiz of Seol Min-seok.
Seol Min-seok introduced the history of the gold gathering movement and expressed hope to viewers by saying, "The secret to defeat Covid is consideration and faith. It is support."