AcTor Park Bo-gum (27) Navy enlistment has been confirmed, but concerns among domestic citizens are exploding due To the outbreak of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19, COVID-19). It is because of the uneasiness that the crowd will be crowded as it is enlisted as a Korean wave star.
On the 31st, AcTor Park Bo-gum is about To join Navy as a Navy cultural public relations officer. The problem is due To excessive interest of fans Toward the place of enlistment and vision.
Yangsan Changwon City Togu is known as his place of admission. In the midst of COVID-19 anxiety, residents living here are not able To slow down the fear that Park Bo-gum fans and officials will be driven To their area.
In fact, Yangsan Tomo apartment has already been warned on the 28th. Park Bo-gum fans have already come down To To and are staying at hotels and motels in Seoul and each province, and it was announced that residents want To wear masks.
Even in the COVID-19 situation, the fans' heartbreaking hearts Toward the star did not fold. According To nearby residents, Park Bo-gum fans are already waiting in the lodging and restaurants near To.
Navy also sent a letter To Park Bo-gum agency Blossom Entertainment asking for restraint from visiting fan clubs. The agency said it felt the seriousness of the situation and said that it would enter the hospital without greeting Park Bo-gum's fans. It is a ridiculous way To put social distance due To COVID-19.
Park Bo-gum will conduct six weeks of basic training at the Navy Basic Military Education Unit of the Navy Education Command in Togu after this admission; it will be deployed afterward.
The discharge is known as Park Bo-gum, born in 1993, at the end of April 2022. Park Bo-gum has become a Top AcTor in the Korean Wave since his debut as an AcTor in 2011 with the movie Blind. He has become a Top AcTor in the Korean Wave, digesting ChinaTown, Seobok, drama Gurmigreen Moonlight, and Boyfriend.
Park Bo-gum meets viewers with his last TVN monthly drama 'Youth Record', which is about To join the military. The work will be broadcast on September 7th.