![Variety is the spice of life for Lee Seung-gi Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, its designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original reality show Twogether from Decider, an American media outlet specializing in global streaming content.Although produced by Company Sang Sang, a local film production company, Twogether is no ordinary Korean show: The chemistry between Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu transcends language barriers as the duo is pitted against each other while roaming around in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal and tracking down their fans.Recommendations quickly spread online, with the show being dubbed the perfect content for those encountering an Asian show for the first time. It was also ranked in the Top 10 TV Shows in eight countries since its release on June 26.I was really worried [if people would like] seeing two people with different nationalities, languages and cultures meet up, but I was relieved to see they did, Lee said in an online press interview last week with the JoongAng Ilbo, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily. Since we cant talk to each other, I think our communication became more pure and energetic. It was really amazing to see that we could interact using just our gestures and body language. Once again, Ive come to realize that the most important factor [in relationships] is sympathy. Twogether is Jaspers first attempt at the variety show genre, and hes certainly been thrown in at the deep end.Korean variety shows are notorious for their mission-impossible tasks that get a kick out of participants struggling to complete.Veteran entertainer Lee seemed to be lucking out with the easier tasks like the relaxation game at the beginning of the show. Jasper, on the other hand, was left to try his hand at harpoon fishing to attain clues about their fans locations.But the Taiwanese actor quickly adapted to the show and began to come into his own. Once he found his stride, he started to reveal his mischievous side, like hiding the keys to Lees motorcycle so he could reach a chosen destination faster than his co-host did. Korean variety shows are really hard-core, Lee admitted. Since shows from other countries are talk-based, rarely does a celebrity go outside the studio for intense physical activities. Although Jasper seemed overwhelmed by the various missions that we had to complete, he also seemed to be having fun. I think this has appealed to overseas viewers as something fresh and original. Lee praised Jasper, calling him the discovery of a new gemstone for variety shows. He would have no trouble participating in other local shows as well, Lee commented.While other travel variety shows focus on promoting Korean culture, most of the Twogether episodes are spent taking in the local cultures.Rather than just exploring the places recommended by fans, the duo actively takes part in activities unique to the localities they are visiting.For example, they play games while dancing to Kecak, a traditional Indonesian dance, and spontaneously forming a team with Thai citizens and for a game of Sepak Sepaktakraw — a sport that has been around in Southeast Asian countries since the 9th century.The pair only has one day to explore each city they visit, so the show tries to hone in on cultural immersion rather than mere sightseeing.Fans introduce a Hallyu, or Korean wave, aspect as they reveal which drama series or films they watched upon becoming fans of Lee.Lee is once again working with producer Cho Hyo-jin, whom he first met through the X -man on SBS. Lee also featured in both seasons of the Netflix original series Busted! (2018-2019) which was also produced by Cho.His style in variety shows — like Running Man on SBS — is dynamic and full of adventures, which I like, Lee said. I was a bit worried at the start because Ive always featured in reality travel shows in a group, but there was an advantage to becoming more immersed in the show.When we filmed this last September, we could never have imagined that people wouldnt be able to travel due to Covid-19. I think a lot of our viewers are able to live vicariously through watching our show, Lee added.His next appearance will also be another variety show. Along with actor Cha Tae-hyun, Lee is to visit and explore the hometown of local celebrities on tvNs Seoul Villager (translated), set to begin airing on July 12.Since taking the Grand Prize at the 2018 SBS Entertainment Awards, Lee has faced criticism that hes focusing too much on his image as an entertainer [rather than as an actor]. I learned to look at the big picture through doing variety shows, Lee said. When Im a singer, I stand on the stage alone, and when Im acting, I focus on my role, but since shows dont have a script, I need to constantly be alert and observe what the producers want and what the other members of the cast are good at. This, I believe, is the drive that propels me forward, so I plan to continue featuring on such shows. BY MIN KYUNG-WONLee Seung-gi big picture view that the law can learn ArtImSubtitles or edit, all the Korean Art go. But extort to the world market so that you can Made show. The United States reviews professional medium decider last month 26, public the Netflix original Art together(Twogether)for so plain were. Korean manufacturer company more than made the program, but the Korean singer actor Lee Seung-gi(33)and Taiwan actor Liu Hao(劉以豪 and kind this code and 34), The Fan find you in Indonesia and Thailand and Nepal, including a journey to the Art as the Asian market across the entire thanks. Asian Art is the first to enter the good contentis online word of mouth on the strength of 8 countries in the Todays top 10 contentand climbed.3, Burns met with Lee Seung-gi is a nationality, language, culture and even the other two people meet, a worry ahead of a lot of people like to stay in,he said. Each of the language are not familiar with the two simple English on the hands lying feet lying to the mix were communicating. Say well to do people, more pure and energetic, I guess. A gesture or action with the description that the game is too new to me. Eventually importantly empathy that once again realize theyve gone. Two times through the journey of two people of Korean and Chinese language skills has increased.Rigorously Korean Art to learn the Art dream Liu Hao of Notepad in the win Mr. bad in the same sentence have been added. Art is first appearances, he is a veteran Lee Seung-gi meet a tough mission to the nose did. Mission success should be a fan of the location information can get a hint, but Lee Seung-gi is a two-mission of multiple line fishing taxi and Liu Hao into the water entering the harpoon fishing etc and to perform this ceremony. Liu Hao that why I suffer and feel,and puzzled to gradually Lee Seung-gi than the destination quickly in order to get to the motorcycle key to hide that as quickly adapt to him.Lee Seung-gi is a Korean Art is really hardcore it. Other countries Art is the torque on the Island star Studio out wildly outdoors that rarethis and Liu to see the colorful mission to perform harder and harder, while very fun was. Then part of the overseas viewers a fresh and attractive like I to,he said. The movie Hi, My Girl(2018) as youth stars in the right Liu Hao KBS2 Superman is backalso appeared. Lee Seung-gi is the new Art gemstone found mostthis and Korean in activities, even awkward, not like,he praised.Meanwhile, travel Art, this one, etc, we have focused, the Togetheris the local culture to accept a significant portion of spend for. Fans recommend the place to browse would be beyond the Indonesia traditional dances-line Kecak dance and play games together, and Thai citizens and impromptu team formed by English Billiards showdown unfolds. Each city has a given time of the day lies, but the tour than the experience by concentrating on the natural and cultural exchanges to capture it. The Korean element that anytime any work and been a fan as Dialog indirectly through use of it.Lee Seung-gi SBS X-Man Good Sunday(2006~2007)meet for the first time Netflix the killer is you(2018, 2019) season 1, 2(2018, 2018)together for Hyo-Jin PD for faith here. PD nim Art style Running Man as a dynamic in the adventure, the more I love well-tailored stuff. Several in the two to buddy travel is the first worry was immersed quickly that the advantages are more important. He said, last year, the 9 August shooting until only the Corona 19, easy to travel or not, and did not imagine that, but the LAN as for satisfaction to many people, it seems.he added.Lee Seung-gis car start even Art is. Cha Tae Hyun, along with local-born star of Homeland, leaving the local variety tvN Seoul municipality genome. KBS2 1 Night 2 Days Season 3(2013~2016), and leads to similar numbers with PDs work with the 12 days the first broadcast. 1 Night 2 Days Season 1(2007~2012)from tvN Holy(2015)up to Kang Ho-Dong, my video analysis of PD primarily focused breathing Lee Seung-gi is 2017 years since to return with SBS The Butler from itself, such as readers routes to choose from alone on the Helix is because the rest was also. He said: the intention is not at all and in the meantime try not to challenge the limits and strong-willed henand explained.2018 SBS Entertainment award since the frequent Art appeared as the image is consumed,a critical vision about said. I cant or dont want to take you to the image source may be provided, but I can if you want to not so I think. Rather, Art from the big picture that I learned it. The singer is alone on stage and acting his roles to prepare, but Art is for a basic no start with is what you want to do, the members are doing well to continue to observe and guess that you need to be. Its the driving force because it becomes steadily continue thinking. Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, its designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original. .](https://t1.daumcdn.net/news/202007/08/koreajoongangdaily/20200708165501985ngzz.jpg)
![Variety is the spice of life for Lee Seung-gi Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, its designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original reality show Twogether from Decider, an American media outlet specializing in global streaming content.Although produced by Company Sang Sang, a local film production company, Twogether is no ordinary Korean show: The chemistry between Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu transcends language barriers as the duo is pitted against each other while roaming around in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal and tracking down their fans.Recommendations quickly spread online, with the show being dubbed the perfect content for those encountering an Asian show for the first time. It was also ranked in the Top 10 TV Shows in eight countries since its release on June 26.I was really worried [if people would like] seeing two people with different nationalities, languages and cultures meet up, but I was relieved to see they did, Lee said in an online press interview last week with the JoongAng Ilbo, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily. Since we cant talk to each other, I think our communication became more pure and energetic. It was really amazing to see that we could interact using just our gestures and body language. Once again, Ive come to realize that the most important factor [in relationships] is sympathy. Twogether is Jaspers first attempt at the variety show genre, and hes certainly been thrown in at the deep end.Korean variety shows are notorious for their mission-impossible tasks that get a kick out of participants struggling to complete.Veteran entertainer Lee seemed to be lucking out with the easier tasks like the relaxation game at the beginning of the show. Jasper, on the other hand, was left to try his hand at harpoon fishing to attain clues about their fans locations.But the Taiwanese actor quickly adapted to the show and began to come into his own. Once he found his stride, he started to reveal his mischievous side, like hiding the keys to Lees motorcycle so he could reach a chosen destination faster than his co-host did. Korean variety shows are really hard-core, Lee admitted. Since shows from other countries are talk-based, rarely does a celebrity go outside the studio for intense physical activities. Although Jasper seemed overwhelmed by the various missions that we had to complete, he also seemed to be having fun. I think this has appealed to overseas viewers as something fresh and original. Lee praised Jasper, calling him the discovery of a new gemstone for variety shows. He would have no trouble participating in other local shows as well, Lee commented.While other travel variety shows focus on promoting Korean culture, most of the Twogether episodes are spent taking in the local cultures.Rather than just exploring the places recommended by fans, the duo actively takes part in activities unique to the localities they are visiting.For example, they play games while dancing to Kecak, a traditional Indonesian dance, and spontaneously forming a team with Thai citizens and for a game of Sepak Sepaktakraw — a sport that has been around in Southeast Asian countries since the 9th century.The pair only has one day to explore each city they visit, so the show tries to hone in on cultural immersion rather than mere sightseeing.Fans introduce a Hallyu, or Korean wave, aspect as they reveal which drama series or films they watched upon becoming fans of Lee.Lee is once again working with producer Cho Hyo-jin, whom he first met through the X -man on SBS. Lee also featured in both seasons of the Netflix original series Busted! (2018-2019) which was also produced by Cho.His style in variety shows — like Running Man on SBS — is dynamic and full of adventures, which I like, Lee said. I was a bit worried at the start because Ive always featured in reality travel shows in a group, but there was an advantage to becoming more immersed in the show.When we filmed this last September, we could never have imagined that people wouldnt be able to travel due to Covid-19. I think a lot of our viewers are able to live vicariously through watching our show, Lee added.His next appearance will also be another variety show. Along with actor Cha Tae-hyun, Lee is to visit and explore the hometown of local celebrities on tvNs Seoul Villager (translated), set to begin airing on July 12.Since taking the Grand Prize at the 2018 SBS Entertainment Awards, Lee has faced criticism that hes focusing too much on his image as an entertainer [rather than as an actor]. I learned to look at the big picture through doing variety shows, Lee said. When Im a singer, I stand on the stage alone, and when Im acting, I focus on my role, but since shows dont have a script, I need to constantly be alert and observe what the producers want and what the other members of the cast are good at. This, I believe, is the drive that propels me forward, so I plan to continue featuring on such shows. BY MIN KYUNG-WONLee Seung-gi big picture view that the law can learn ArtImSubtitles or edit, all the Korean Art go. But extort to the world market so that you can Made show. The United States reviews professional medium decider last month 26, public the Netflix original Art together(Twogether)for so plain were. Korean manufacturer company more than made the program, but the Korean singer actor Lee Seung-gi(33)and Taiwan actor Liu Hao(劉以豪 and kind this code and 34), The Fan find you in Indonesia and Thailand and Nepal, including a journey to the Art as the Asian market across the entire thanks. Asian Art is the first to enter the good contentis online word of mouth on the strength of 8 countries in the Todays top 10 contentand climbed.3, Burns met with Lee Seung-gi is a nationality, language, culture and even the other two people meet, a worry ahead of a lot of people like to stay in,he said. Each of the language are not familiar with the two simple English on the hands lying feet lying to the mix were communicating. Say well to do people, more pure and energetic, I guess. A gesture or action with the description that the game is too new to me. Eventually importantly empathy that once again realize theyve gone. Two times through the journey of two people of Korean and Chinese language skills has increased.Rigorously Korean Art to learn the Art dream Liu Hao of Notepad in the win Mr. bad in the same sentence have been added. Art is first appearances, he is a veteran Lee Seung-gi meet a tough mission to the nose did. Mission success should be a fan of the location information can get a hint, but Lee Seung-gi is a two-mission of multiple line fishing taxi and Liu Hao into the water entering the harpoon fishing etc and to perform this ceremony. Liu Hao that why I suffer and feel,and puzzled to gradually Lee Seung-gi than the destination quickly in order to get to the motorcycle key to hide that as quickly adapt to him.Lee Seung-gi is a Korean Art is really hardcore it. Other countries Art is the torque on the Island star Studio out wildly outdoors that rarethis and Liu to see the colorful mission to perform harder and harder, while very fun was. Then part of the overseas viewers a fresh and attractive like I to,he said. The movie Hi, My Girl(2018) as youth stars in the right Liu Hao KBS2 Superman is backalso appeared. Lee Seung-gi is the new Art gemstone found mostthis and Korean in activities, even awkward, not like,he praised.Meanwhile, travel Art, this one, etc, we have focused, the Togetheris the local culture to accept a significant portion of spend for. Fans recommend the place to browse would be beyond the Indonesia traditional dances-line Kecak dance and play games together, and Thai citizens and impromptu team formed by English Billiards showdown unfolds. Each city has a given time of the day lies, but the tour than the experience by concentrating on the natural and cultural exchanges to capture it. The Korean element that anytime any work and been a fan as Dialog indirectly through use of it.Lee Seung-gi SBS X-Man Good Sunday(2006~2007)meet for the first time Netflix the killer is you(2018, 2019) season 1, 2(2018, 2018)together for Hyo-Jin PD for faith here. PD nim Art style Running Man as a dynamic in the adventure, the more I love well-tailored stuff. Several in the two to buddy travel is the first worry was immersed quickly that the advantages are more important. He said, last year, the 9 August shooting until only the Corona 19, easy to travel or not, and did not imagine that, but the LAN as for satisfaction to many people, it seems.he added.Lee Seung-gis car start even Art is. Cha Tae Hyun, along with local-born star of Homeland, leaving the local variety tvN Seoul municipality genome. KBS2 1 Night 2 Days Season 3(2013~2016), and leads to similar numbers with PDs work with the 12 days the first broadcast. 1 Night 2 Days Season 1(2007~2012)from tvN Holy(2015)up to Kang Ho-Dong, my video analysis of PD primarily focused breathing Lee Seung-gi is 2017 years since to return with SBS The Butler from itself, such as readers routes to choose from alone on the Helix is because the rest was also. He said: the intention is not at all and in the meantime try not to challenge the limits and strong-willed henand explained.2018 SBS Entertainment award since the frequent Art appeared as the image is consumed,a critical vision about said. I cant or dont want to take you to the image source may be provided, but I can if you want to not so I think. Rather, Art from the big picture that I learned it. The singer is alone on stage and acting his roles to prepare, but Art is for a basic no start with is what you want to do, the members are doing well to continue to observe and guess that you need to be. Its the driving force because it becomes steadily continue thinking. Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, its designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original. .](https://t1.daumcdn.net/news/202007/08/koreajoongangdaily/20200708165502331frmw.jpg)
“Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, it's designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. ”
These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original reality show “Twogether” from Decider, an American media outlet specializing in global streaming content.
Although produced by Company Sang Sang, a local film production company, “Twogether” is no ordinary Korean show: The chemistry between Korean singer and actor Lee Seung-gi and Taiwanese actor Jasper Liu transcends language barriers as the duo is pitted against each other while roaming around in Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal and tracking down their fans.
Recommendations quickly spread online, with the show being dubbed “the perfect content for those encountering an Asian show for the first time. ” It was also ranked in the “Top 10 TV Shows” in eight countries since its release on June 26.
“I was really worried [if people would like] seeing two people with different nationalities, languages and cultures meet up, but I was relieved to see they did,” Lee said in an online press interview last week with the JoongAng Ilbo, an affiliate of the Korea JoongAng Daily. “Since we can’t talk to each other, I think our communication became more pure and energetic. It was really amazing to see that we could interact using just our gestures and body language. Once again, I've come to realize that the most important factor [in relationships] is sympathy. ”
"Twogether" is Jasper's first attempt at the variety show genre, and he's certainly been thrown in at the deep end.
Korean variety shows are notorious for their mission-impossible tasks that get a kick out of participants struggling to complete.
Veteran entertainer Lee seemed to be lucking out with the easier tasks like the relaxation game at the beginning of the show. Jasper, on the other hand, was left to try his hand at harpoon fishing to attain clues about their fans’ locations.
But the Taiwanese actor quickly adapted to the show and began to come into his own. Once he found his stride, he started to reveal his mischievous side, like hiding the keys to Lee's motorcycle so he could reach a chosen destination faster than his co-host did.
“Korean variety shows are really hard-core,” Lee admitted. “Since shows from other countries are talk-based, rarely does a celebrity go outside the studio for intense physical activities. Although Jasper seemed overwhelmed by the various missions that we had to complete, he also seemed to be having fun. I think this has appealed to overseas viewers as something fresh and original. ”
Lee praised Jasper, calling him the “discovery of a new gemstone for variety shows. ”
“He would have no trouble participating in other local shows as well,” Lee commented.
While other travel variety shows focus on promoting Korean culture, most of the “Twogether” episodes are spent taking in the local cultures.
Rather than just exploring the places recommended by fans, the duo actively takes part in activities unique to the localities they are visiting.
For example, they play games while dancing to Kecak, a traditional Indonesian dance, and spontaneously forming a team with Thai citizens and for a game of Sepak Sepaktakraw — a sport that has been around in Southeast Asian countries since the 9th century.
The pair only has one day to explore each city they visit, so the show tries to hone in on cultural immersion rather than mere sightseeing.
Fans introduce a Hallyu, or Korean wave, aspect as they reveal which drama series or films they watched upon becoming fans of Lee.
Lee is once again working with producer Cho Hyo-jin, whom he first met through the “ X -man” on SBS. Lee also featured in both seasons of the Netflix original series “Busted!” (2018-2019) which was also produced by Cho.
“His style in variety shows — like “Running Man” on SBS — is dynamic and full of adventures, which I like,” Lee said. “I was a bit worried at the start because I've always featured in reality travel shows in a group, but there was an advantage to becoming more immersed in the show.
“When we filmed this last September, we could never have imagined that people wouldn't be able to travel due to Covid-19. I think a lot of our viewers are able to live vicariously through watching our show,” Lee added.
His next appearance will also be another variety show. Along with actor Cha Tae-hyun, Lee is to visit and explore the hometown of local celebrities on tvN's “Seoul Villager” (translated), set to begin airing on July 12.
Since taking the Grand Prize at the 2018 SBS Entertainment Awards, Lee has faced criticism that he's “focusing too much on his image as an entertainer [rather than as an actor]. ”
“I learned to look at the big picture through doing variety shows," Lee said. "When I’m a singer, I stand on the stage alone, and when I’m acting, I focus on my role, but since shows don't have a script, I need to constantly be alert and observe what the producers want and what the other members of the cast are good at. This, I believe, is the drive that propels me forward, so I plan to continue featuring on such shows. ”
Lee Seung-gi “big picture view that the law can learn Art”I'm
“Subtitles or edit, all the Korean Art go. But extort to the world market so that you can Made show. ”
The United States reviews professional medium decider last month 26, public the Netflix original Art ‘together(Twogether)’for so plain were. Korean manufacturer company more than made the program, but the Korean singer actor Lee Seung-gi(33)and Taiwan actor Liu Hao(劉以豪 and kind this code and 34), The Fan find you in Indonesia and Thailand and Nepal, including a journey to the Art as the Asian market across the entire thanks. “Asian Art is the first to enter the good content”is online word of mouth on the strength of 8 countries in the ‘Today's top 10 content’and climbed.
3, Burns met with Lee Seung-gi is a “nationality, language, culture and even the other two people meet, a worry ahead of a lot of people like to stay in,”he said. Each of the language are not familiar with the two simple English on the hands lying feet lying to the mix were communicating. “Say well to do people, more pure and energetic, I guess. A gesture or action with the description that the game is too new to me. Eventually importantly empathy that once again realize they've gone. ” Two times through the journey of two people of Korean and Chinese language skills has increased.
Rigorously Korean Art to learn the ‘Art dream’ Liu Hao of Notepad in the “win Mr. bad” in the same sentence have been added. Art is first appearances, he is a veteran Lee Seung-gi meet a tough mission to the nose did. Mission success should be a fan of the location information can get a hint, but Lee Seung-gi is a two-mission of multiple line fishing taxi and Liu Hao into the water entering the harpoon fishing etc and to perform this ceremony. Liu Hao that “why I suffer and feel,”and puzzled to gradually Lee Seung-gi than the destination quickly in order to get to the motorcycle key to hide that as quickly adapt to him.
Lee Seung-gi “is a Korean Art is really hardcore it. Other countries Art is the torque on the Island star Studio out wildly outdoors that rare”this and “Liu to see the colorful mission to perform harder and harder, while very fun was. Then part of the overseas viewers a fresh and attractive like I to,”he said. The movie ‘Hi, My Girl’(2018) as youth stars in the right Liu Hao KBS2 ‘Superman is back’also appeared. Lee Seung-gi is “the new Art gemstone found most”this and “Korean in activities, even awkward, not like,”he praised.
Meanwhile, travel Art, this one, etc, we have focused, the ‘Together’is the local culture to accept a significant portion of spend for. Fans recommend the place to browse would be beyond the Indonesia traditional dances-line Kecak dance and play games together, and Thai citizens and impromptu team formed by English Billiards showdown unfolds. Each city has a given time of the day lies, but the tour than the experience by concentrating on the natural and cultural exchanges to capture it. The Korean element that anytime any work and been a fan as Dialog indirectly through use of it.
Lee Seung-gi SBS ‘ X-Man Good Sunday’(2006~2007)meet for the first time Netflix ‘the killer is you’(2018, 2019) season 1, 2(2018, 2018)together for Hyo-Jin PD for faith here. “PD nim Art style ‘Running Man’ as a dynamic in the adventure, the more I love well-tailored stuff. Several in the two to buddy travel is the first worry was immersed quickly that the advantages are more important. ” He said, “last year, the 9 August shooting until only the Corona 19, easy to travel or not, and did not imagine that, but the LAN as for satisfaction to many people, it seems.”he added.
Lee Seung-gi's car start even Art is. Cha Tae Hyun, along with local-born star of Homeland, leaving the local variety tvN ‘Seoul municipality genome’. KBS2 ‘1 Night 2 Days’ Season 3(2013~2016), and leads to similar numbers with PD's work with the 12 days the first broadcast. ‘1 Night 2 Days’ Season 1(2007~2012)from tvN ‘Holy’(2015)up to Kang Ho-Dong, my video analysis of PD primarily focused breathing Lee Seung-gi is 2017 years since to return with SBS ‘The Butler from itself’, such as readers routes to choose from alone on the Helix is because the rest was also. He said: “the intention is not at all and in the meantime try not to challenge the limits and strong-willed hen”and explained.
2018 SBS Entertainment award “since the frequent Art appeared as the image is consumed,”a critical vision about said. “I can't or don't want to take you to the image source may be provided, but I can if you want to not so I think. Rather, Art from the big picture that I learned it. The singer is alone on stage and acting his roles to prepare, but Art is for a basic no start with is what you want to do, the members are doing well to continue to observe and guess that you need to be. It's the driving force because it becomes steadily continue thinking. ”
"Twogether is essentially a Korean series; the graphics are in English and the sensibility is English. But in reality, it's designed to be a show that should appeal to people globally. "These are the first lines of a review for the Netflix original. .