Ryu I-ho thanked Lee Seung-gi.
Netflix's original Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing travel variety in which Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language go around Asia and go to fans.
Earlier, the production team of Twogether' said that the combination of entertainment master Lee Seung-gi and entertainment starter Ryu will give a different fun.
Ryu said in an Interview held on July 6, "At first, I thought it was a process of traveling and learning between two men who were just sad, but I did not think there would be so many Top Model and processes. It was very different from the beginning of the shooting. At first, there was a more difficult point in the process of getting to know each other. It was the Top Model "
"Many people were Koreans, so I wanted to know what they were talking about and what the atmosphere was like, so I was opening all senses 24 hours a day. I do not want to give myself a feeling of being separated, so I always looked at the situation and observed Mr. Seung-gi. "
As for entertainment partner Lee Seung-gi, Ryu said, "I am a lot of merits. I am brave and smart when I need it. Memory is also very good. It seems difficult to say one because it is a person who does not sing well, perform well, and can not do anything. "
"As a partner, I thought about what I could do to Mr. Seung-gi, who was so quick and quick to respond that I was worried about myself being slow. So I always asked, 'Is there a problem? Can you help me?' I thought I should work harder in Korean and help me out for a moment and do well. "
Asked if he felt betrayed by Lee Seung-gi, Ryu said, "I still have a lot of gratitude than betrayal. There was a scene where Lee Seung-gi was playing the Top and I thought it was strange then: I ran so hard and did a mission, but I thought it was strange why the Top would fall so fast. I've seen it since. I still appreciate the editorials. I learned a lot of things. "
"Lee Seung-gi is a man with a full body of gills, and you know it too well when you look at Twogether': strong, strong, Memory and quick. I am a slower person than Mr. Seung-gi. "
Ryu said, "I have appeared in entertainment for a while, but I have never participated as much as Twogether'. It is the first time that I have participated in reality and the first time I have participated in it. The Korean production team felt that it was professional. The whole process itself was fun. I felt the language constraints and felt that I had to study Korean harder. "
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