Taiwanese actor Ryu I-ho, 33, met with Asian fans through the Netflix entertainment program Twogether'. "Twogether," which was released on June 28th in eight episodes, was a healing travel variety where singers and actors Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho traveled all over Asia to find fans. SBS Running Man' Netflix 'You are the perpetrator!' Cho Hyo-jin PD and Ko Min-seok PD, who directed the series, caught the megaphone.
Ryu Ho is the first work that matches Lee Seung-gi and Korea production team. Language and culture would have been the Top Model, which is rarely easy in a different atmosphere, but it has overcome all the difficulties with bright energy. Lee Seung-gi, who has many years of entertainment know-how, and Ryu Ho's clean charm of 'entertainment beginner' showed synergy. The beautiful natural scenery was put on the camera and the only thing that healed him was that the reaction of overseas fans was not processed, so he saved the real variety.
- The moment of the show.
"I thought it was good to go around Asia and meet a fan, and I had fun with the program from Li Dian. And when I heard that I was a production team of Running Man', I decided to appear in this work without thinking about the difficulties in the process. I thought about the difficulties of culture and language, but I wanted to try Top Model and participated in the program. "
- It seems that it was difficult because the language did not work.
"It was difficult to get to know each other because the language was different. It was also a Top Model. Many were Korean. I had been opening all my senses for 24 hours, wanting to know what I was talking about and what the atmosphere was like: I didn't want to give myself a sense of desolation."
- Lee Seung-gi to Ryu I-ho.
"He's a man of virtue: You can see it so well when you look at Twogether', but he's fit and mentally healthy. I'm a man about three beats slower than Mr Lee Seung-gi."
- Lee Seung-gi's charm...
“He’s attractive and has many advantages. He knows how to calm his surroundings when he needs them. He’s smart. I never forgot what I heard. And he's a good singer, a good performer, and a bad performer. I was thinking I was too slow. So, "No problem?" "Are you okay now?" I think I kept asking, "Is there anything I can do for you?"
- I have accumulated a lot of empathy in the journey.
“I’ve done a lot of conversations, and I think that I like traveling is The Cost, but if I like Mother Nature, Lee Seung-gi likes cities, and they’re the same, but they’re a little different. It was fun to find a difference."
- Lee Seung-gi resembled a lot.
“I think the smile and the bright positive image are similar. I’ve heard a lot about Friends around me. Traveling is hard if your partner does not fit your body and mind, but it was comfortable and good to travel with Lee Seung-gi. There was no inconvenience because the sleeping habit was similar. "
- What I learned from Lee Seung-gi...
“I thought I should be good, more active than I should be good, and I should be true whatever I do. I also learned that I should trust each other. I learned that 'you have to trust me and trust me' and 'Friend believes in you'.
- Lee Seung-gi said he had less fouls.
"I was really surprised when I locked myself in my room (laughing) when I did it, and I fouled the quirky moments and it was really fun, I saw them on other programs. I thought it was great. I took a One Week break in the middle after filming the program and met at Nepal. I said I'd go back and see what I'd done with the program during One Week, and I told him never to look, but to come to Nepal only, I knew why."
- I presented my favorite silk pajamas when I was asleep.
"I saw a picture of her in a silk pajamas (Lee Seung-gi) was really cool, maybe she could sleep more comfortably than Li Dian."
Photo: Netflix