Twogether' Ryu Ho "Lee Seung-gi Foul, more ingenious than in a bad mood"

Taiwanese star Ryu Ho expressed satisfaction with the bromance chemistry with Lee Seung-gi.Netflixs original Twogether is an eye-cleaning healing travel variety in which Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language go around Asia and go to fans.Lee Seung-gi and Ryu I-ho traveled Twogether in Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal last September.The rising backpacking holy place Indonesia Yugyakarta, the ground paradise Bali called the Island of Angels, the Thailand Bangkok, which attracts travelers to the spectacular night market, Chiang Mai, the resting place of the weary heart, and the Pocara and Kathmandu of Europe Nepal, closest to the sky, traveled to six cities in Asia for a month until they returned to Seoul.Ryu said, I thought it was good to go around Asia and meet fans. I have enjoyed Lee Seung-gis work so much since then.In addition, when I heard that the production team was running man, I decided to appear without thinking about the difficulties of the process.I thought about the difficulties of culture and language, but I decided to challenge it rather than it. The most different feeling before and at the scene was the meeting with the fans, I did not know in advance what Europe Asia liked us.I thought about whether there were fans in the Europe, but when I met, the moment of impression was bigger than I thought beforehand. One of the points of observation of Twogether is the combination of Lee Seung-gi, an entertainer, and Ryu Ho, an entertainer.Lee Seung-gi also showed a consideration for Ryu Ho, an entertainer, at the confrontation mission with Ryu Ho.Lee Seung-gi said, I was able to do more Foul, but I have controlled the water level because I am afraid of a lot of surprises.If Lee Ho adapts to Korean entertainment and continues to do it with me, there will be a lot of more variety in the future.I hope that I can thoroughly write the know-how I have learned in the meantime. After hearing this, Ryu said, Did you do that, but it was not enough? And then, When I put me in the room and locked the door outside, I was in MemoryIt was more fun than it felt bad, he said.Ryu said, I saw it in other programs, and I thought it was great. I took one week off while shooting the program and met again at Nepal.In the middle of the breakup, he said, I will look hard at the One Week Seunggi program, but Seunggi said, Never look at it, just come to Nepal.So it was important for me to believe in each other. It was the reason why faith was important among friends. Ryu said of Lee Seung-gi, There was a part that was well suited because of the similar nature and positive personality.There were other parts, but there was no problem at all.It is difficult if the trip does not fit well with the partner, but the travel process with Mr. Seung-gi was comfortable and good Memory (Continue with Interview2.

Taiwanese star Ryu Ho expressed satisfaction wIth the bromance chemistry wIth Lee Seung-gi.

Netflix's original Twogether' is an eye-cleaning healing travel variety in which Lee Seung-gi, Ryu Ho, and two other same-age stars from the language and language go around Asia and go to fans.

Lee Seung-gi and Ryu I-ho traveled Twogether in Indonesia, Thailand and Nepal last September. The rising backpacking holy place Indonesia Yugyakarta, the ground paradise Bali called the Island of Angels, the Thailand Bangkok, which attracts travelers to the spectacular night market, Chiang Mai, the resting place of the weary heart, and the Pocara and Kathmandu of Europe Nepal, closest to the sky, traveled to six cIties in Asia for a month until they returned to Seoul.

Ryu said, "I thought It was good to go around Asia and meet fans. I have enjoyed Lee Seung-gi's work so much since then. In addItion, when I heard that the production team was 'running man', I decided to appear wIthout thinking about the difficulties of the process. I thought about the difficulties of culture and language, but I decided to challenge It rather than It. "

"The most different feeling before and at the scene was the meeting wIth the fans, I did not know in advance what Europe Asia liked us. I thought about whether there were fans in the Europe, but when I met, the moment of impression was bigger than I thought beforehand. "

One of the points of observation of Twogether' is the combination of Lee Seung-gi, an entertainer, and Ryu Ho, an entertainer.

Lee Seung-gi also showed a consideration for Ryu Ho, an entertainer, at the confrontation mission wIth Ryu Ho. Lee Seung-gi said, "I was able to do more Foul, but I have controlled the water level because I am afraid of a lot of surprises. If Lee Ho adapts to Korean entertainment and continues to do It wIth me, there will be a lot of more variety in the future. I hope that I can thoroughly wrIte the know-how I have learned in the meantime. "

After hearing this, Ryu said, "Did you do that, but It was not enough?" And then, "When I put me in the room and locked the door outside, I was in Memory It was more fun than It felt bad," he said.

Ryu said, "I saw It in other programs, and I thought It was great. I took One Week off while shooting the program and met again at Nepal. In the middle of the breakup, he said, 'I will look hard at the One Week Seunggi program', but Seunggi said, 'Never look at It, just come to Nepal.' So It was important for me to believe in each other. It was the reason why faIth was important among friends. "

Ryu said of Lee Seung-gi, "There was a part that was well suIted because of the similar nature and posItive personalIty. There were other parts, but there was no problem at all. It is difficult if the trip does not fIt well wIth the partner, but the travel process wIth Mr. Seung-gi was comfortable and good Memory "

(Continue wIth Interview2.