Kim Su-min Announcer "Recently Meet EXO, It's Become a Successful Deok Hoo" (Fun Fun Today)

Fun Fun Today Kim Su-min Announcer talked about group EXO.Kim Su-min Announcer appeared in the Ill Commute corner of SBS Power FM Jo Young-siks Fun Fun Today (hereinafter referred to as Fun Fun Today), which was broadcast on the morning of the 23rd, and talked about various things.Jo Jeong-sik Announcer said, Kim Su-min Announcer talked a lot about Fun Fun Today when interviewing the camp, but it is strange to do this together.Kim Su-min Announcer said, I heard Fun Fun Today while I was going to the test.When I first saw (Jo Jeong-sik Announcer), I was tall and amazing because I was a celebrity, Kim Su-min Announcer said.Kim Su-min Announcer said, I met EXO Sehun Chan-yeol because of the interview, he said. I was an EXO fan when I was a high school student.So I took the album and got the sign. Kim Su-min Announcer added, I felt the feeling of success.

'Fun Fun Today' Kim Su-min Announcer talked about group EXO.

Kim Su-min Announcer appeared in the "I'll Commute" corner of SBS Power FM 'Jo Young-sik's Fun Fun Today' (hereinafter referred to as "Fun Fun Today"), which was broadcast on the morning of the 23rd, and talked about various things.

Jo Jeong-sik Announcer said, "Kim Su-min Announcer talked a lot about 'Fun Fun Today' when interviewing the camp, but it is strange to do this together."

Kim Su-min Announcer said, "I heard 'Fun Fun Today' while I was going to the test." "When I first saw (Jo Jeong-sik Announcer), I was tall and amazing because I was a celebrity," Kim Su-min Announcer said.

Kim Su-min Announcer said, "I met EXO Sehun Chan-yeol because of the interview," he said. "I was an EXO fan when I was a high school student. So I took the album and got the sign. "

Kim Su-min Announcer added, "I felt the feeling of success."