The Samsung Lions 'Baby Lion' Won Tae-in (20) was hit by only five hits in seven innings at Jamsil LG on the 2nd, and Sasagu was not allowed one, leading to a 2-0 victory over the team.
Won Tae-in, who has already won his third win of the season, has put the LG line to rest with a heavy fastball that reaches 147km on the day. Especially, Lee Min-ho, a rookie, played a rematch and shook the regret of the last confrontation and this time he was delighted to win.
Won Tae-in thanked pitcher Kochi Chung Hyun-wook at Interview after Kyonggi, as he was a 'benefactor' who gave him a decisive word to upgrade himself.
"A Year Ago in Winter was 'hands' with a change ball, but Chung Hyun-wook emphasized that 'the fastball should be thrown with power and the change ball should be controlled.' Thank you to Kochi," Won Tae-in says.
The power of fastballs was raised, so the pitching was easier. As the arrest improved than A Year Ago in Winter, the game against the batter became concise, which became the driving force behind the pitching of more than 7 consecutive innings of 3Kyonggi. The goal is to maintain the same restraint as now. Won Tae-in, who said, "The average arrest is on the rise," said, "I think Jung Hyun-wook Kochi is well managed and will maintain his arrest now."
Won Tae-in said, "I actually did not want to lose this time, so I prepared a lot," he said, "Lee Min-ho threw really well. It was not good in the first inning, but when I saw the huffing and shouting, I was a model for my juniors, and I was learning. I was stimulated and I pitched intensively until the seventh. "