'Welcome, First Time in Korea? It's the first time?'

United States of America Brother and Sister Salon Experience Its Like EXOMBC Everlon Welcome, First Time in Korea? The special edition of Welcome, First Time in Korea?Its the first time for Korea.? , David, who is from United States of America in the fourth month of Korea, Jang Min from Spain in the fifth year of Korea, and Ilya from Russia in the 17th year of Korea.On this day, the Korean Salon entry of the David family of USFK Air Force Sergeant David will be released for four months.Oliver, Isabel Brother and Sister, who had never been to Salon after coming to Korea due to the restrictions on going out due to Corona 19, found Kids Salon for hair care.The real reaction of the David family to their first Kids Salon is also eye-catching.David and his wife praised Storm for the appearance of a car-shaped chair and a children-only tablet.Brother and Sister, who transformed into a Korean style at the request of mother Stephanie, boasted idol-class visuals.Kim Jun-hyun did not take his eyes off the figure of Brother and Sister, saying, How can he be so cute?In particular, Stephanie looked at Oliver and said, It looks like EXO Hidden member.I wonder what United States of America Brother and Sisters will have transformed into.The children also showed a willingness to visit again and were fully adapted to Korea Salon.Oliver, Isabel Brother and Sisters Korea Salon Experience period was June 25 at 8:30 pm MBC Everlon Welcome, First Time in Korea?Korea Sali is revealed in Its the first time.

United States of America Brother and Sister Salon experience "It's Like EXO" MBC Everlon 'Welcome, First Time in Korea?' The special edition of 'Welcome, First Time in Korea?' It's the first time for Korea. ? ", David, who is from United States of America in the fourth month of Korea, Jang Min from Spain in the fifth year of Korea, and Ilya from Russia in the 17th year of Korea.

On this day, the Korean Salon entry of the David family of USFK Air Force Sergeant David will be released for four months. Oliver, Isabel Brother and Sister, who had never been to Salon after coming to Korea due to the restrictions on going out due to Corona 19, found Kids Salon for hair care.

The real reaction of the David family to their first Kids Salon is also eye-catching. David and his wife praised Storm for the appearance of a car-shaped chair and a children-only tablet. Brother and Sister, who transformed into a Korean style at the request of mother Stephanie, boasted idol-class visuals. Kim Jun-hyun did not take his eyes off the figure of Brother and Sister, saying, "How can he be so cute?"

In particular, Stephanie looked at Oliver and said, "It looks like EXO Hidden member." I wonder what United States of America Brother and Sisters will have transformed into. The children also showed a willingness to visit again and were fully adapted to Korea Salon.

Oliver, Isabel Brother and Sister's Korea Salon experience period was June 25 at 8:30 pm MBC Everlon 'Welcome, First Time in Korea? Korea Sali is revealed in It's the first time.'