Tyler Saladino, 31, turned around. No, is he going to be in place? Showing off his power, making the lion's legion's firepower hot.
Saladino, once considered an exit candidate with Taylor Motor (formerly Kiwoom) due to ball and water anxiety, is now the most formidable Samsung Lions hitter. The Samsung Lions player, who was also the most prominent in June's first Kyonggi, was Saladino.
His hit is not surprising: he was the leading player in the winning series (two wins and one loss) for the lead NC and Deagu three-game series (May 29-31). He went 11-for-7 with one homer and five RBIs in the three-game series.
“We’re going a little bit in place,” Heo Sam-yeong said of Saladino, “but we’re hitting with balance, not force. Also, I think I have adapted well to the strike zone of the KBO league. "
Saladino's batting streak continued through June; he hit a curve by Lee Min-ho in the first inning at first and second bases, sending him two RBI doubles, the score going 0-0 to 2-0. And Kyonggi hasn't changed to the end.
High school rookie pitcher Lee Min-ho pitched well with two runs in seven innings and seven strikeouts. Five hits. Two hits. The batter who hit two long hits against Lee Min-ho was Saladino.
Saladino hit a ball to the left of the outfield in the second inning, also hitting the right of second and third bases in the third inning; this time he hit a cutter by Lee Min-ho; 4 Kyonggi consecutive multi-hits.
He then went two more at-bats but failed to add a hit, but in the sixth inning he also hit a foul or a big hit, the most difficult hitter Lee Min-ho had to deal with. Saladino's season batting average, which was a .1 hitter four days ago, soared to 0.265.
Lee Min-ho failed to stop Saladino, so he recorded his first quality start and saw the bitter taste of his first defeat. Won Tae-in, who blocked seven innings without a run, scored his third win of the season, cursing a defeat 12 days ago; Won Tae-in's ERA fell to 2.45 from 3.12.
The Samsung Lions, who beat lg 2-0, set the stage for a mid-level leap with 11 wins and 14 losses. 6th-placed Lotte Mart (11 wins, 13 losses) and the ride narrowed to 0.5 Kyonggi.
Meanwhile, on the 3rd, Kyonggi announced that lg will be Casey Kelly and Samsung Lions will be Hur Yoon-dong as starters.