fans Gifted fan for a low-income family in the Chungchungnam area on the 16th anniversary of singer and actor Lee Seung-gi's DeV.
According to KBS on the 4th, this project was held with One gold (total 8.16 million One) after the Lee Seung-gi fan community, "Lee Seung-gi Gallery" Ones, gathered their will to convey it to KBS Kangtae One Welfare Foundation (Chairman Lee Soo-sung) for the 16th anniversary of Lee Seung-gi deV (June 5).
As a result, fan delivered to 30 institutions in Chungchungnam area is delivered to 160 low-income families through each institution.
A representative of One agency said, "There are many families who spend summer without fan than they think. Especially, I was worried that a hot summer would come this year, and I am glad to be able to get a fan through this project. It is rewarding to think about the families who will not only meet this summer but also the One summer in the future. "
Even in a socially difficult situation, the Good Wind delivered by Lee Seung-gi, which was held with the precious will of the Lee Seung-gi Gallery, was the seventh time.
The project, which started in 2012 with the sharing of star-loving fans, went through Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon, Chungcheongbuk-do, Kang One and Jeollabuk-do, and this year, it has fanned a total of 3017 households (150 million One equivalent) of low-income families from all over the country to Chungcheongnam-do.
Meanwhile, 'Lee Seung-gi Gallery' has established a relationship with KBS Kangtae One Welfare Foundation through One after KBS 1TV 'Facitional Expo' in 2010, and has Donated a total of 34.66 million Ones after it, and is steadily practicing sharing through 'Good Wind by Lee Seung-gi'.