Broadcast: Pohang CBS Radio <Kim Yoo-jung’s Special Talk East Coast> FM 91.5 (17:05-17:30) Produced: Kim Sun-young PD Proceeding: Kim Yoo-jung Announcer Talk: Gyongju constItuency UnIted Future Party candidate Kim Seokki
4.15 Candidates to look at the qualIties and commItments of our local Candidates for the general election. Today, let's meet wIth UnIted Future Party Kim Seokki, who is running for the Gyongju constItuency. Hi!
Kim Seokki> Yeah. Hi.
Kim Yoo-jung> Please tell me why you are running for this election.
Kim Seokki> Above all, I have to judge this incompetent and ruthless Moon Jae-in regime and run to achieve uninterrupted racing development. The Moon Jae-in government has ruined Europe India wIth really wrong India policies: income-led growth, denuclearisation policies. In addItion, It is not a government for the people but a government of Its own through the reorganization of the election system and the establishment of the airspace. I will win this general election and stop this from being tyranny any more by the Moon Jae-in regime, and I will take the lead in getting the regime back.
Another thing is that for the development of Gyeongju, I have passed a special law for the restoration of the Silla Kingdom in the National Assembly for the past four years, in order to lay the foundations for the development of this region. Now that this law is in the process of implementing, I have the idea that I will make sure that the foundation of this project is established, and that the comprehensive plan for restoration of the palace should be established and budgeted. So I will restore Gyeongju completely to the shape of unified Silla. I also decided to build a landmark in Gyeongju's downtown area that symbolizes Gyeongju, and I think It is my duty to do such things that make Gyeongju a thousand years old and a world-class cIty like Rome.
Kim Yoo-jung The introduction of the candidate is not an active member. I have been a member of the National Assembly for the past four years. I wonder what I tried the most and what I thought I did well, and what I was sorry for.
Kim Seokki> The special restoration method of Silla Kingdom, which was the desire of our Gyeongjumin, was the most rewarding thing. In short, It is such as restoring the palace on the Banwol castle and restoring the 9th floor wooden tower of Hwangryongsa Temple. This requires a huge amount of state finance, so only if special laws are enacted, that is the basis for this project. I left the National Assembly and signed a joint inItiative wIth 180 lawmakers, and there were many difficulties, but after the hard work, I passed this wIth overwhelming approval at the National Assembly plenary session. If the Silla Kingdom is finally restored in the future, a huge national budget will be supported, which will have a huge India inducement effect and a job creation effect.
And the worst part is that last year, the Left Party party led the election law snatching, budget snatching, and snatching the airborne law could not be prevented. So if you give me overwhelming support for the UnIted Future Party and me in this general election, I will fix all these wrong laws again. So, in order to protect this free South Korea and stop the long-term ruling of the Left Party regime, I would really appreciate It if you send a lot of support to our party this time.
Kim Yoo-jung> So what is the pledge that you made this time as an active member of the Top Model for re-election?
Kim Seokki> I first set up the “Seven Innovation CommItments.” The main focus is to focus on tourism because Gyeongju is a millennium high. And I think It is important to activate the region through the nuclear cluster. The tourism problem is that the special law of the Silla Kingdom has now passed the National Assembly, so in a short time, we must restore the proud 1,000-year-old cultural herItages such as the royal palace on Banwolseong and the 9th floor wooden tower of Hwangryongsa Temple so that many tourists can come to Gyeongju. And It is my pledge to connect Kyoto and Gyeongju, which are the millennium highlands of Japan, to exchange tourists wIth each other, to do the sanctuary project in the Munmu Great Tombs, to establish a tourism agency, and to make our race a Rome in the East through these projects.
Another thing is that the 20th National Assembly has attracted the 'Regulation InstItute for the Dismantling of Nuclear Power Plants' wIth Gyeongju, and has also attracted the 'Innovative Nuclear Research Complex', which is based on the promise that It will create high-qualIty jobs in attracting many nuclear power plant facilIties and nuclear power-related companies to Gyeongju and make such efforts to revItalize many local India.
Kim Yoo-jung> UnIted Future Party Gyongju nomination has been an unprecedented confusion. Kim was finally nominated for the nomination after the original cut-off and the candidate who won the race was nullified. I think It's been a lot of hard. How's that?
Kim Seokki> I would like to express my sincere apology to the cItizens for the confusion regarding this nomination. I was also really disastrous to watch this process of the Gyeongju nomination in such a process of nomination wIthout the principle or standard of this nomination commIttee. And I was the most hurtful of this misnomer, and It was the overwhelming number one poll I was in, and I was cut off for no reason. Some even say this serious story, "I took away the nomination," but It is not groundless at all. If I had enough power to take away the nomination, I would not be cut off from the beginning. The important thing now is to judge the Moon Jae-in government that is ruining this Europe.
Kim Yoo-jung Since you ran for the last general election, the responsibilIty of the Yongsan District disaster has been raised. What's your posItion?
Kim Seokki> It is heartbreaking to hear this story. It is the basis of liberal democracy to keep this law and principle. When I was the head of the Seoul MetropolItan Police Agency, there was a fire accident in Yongsan District, and I prayed for the people who changed their reputation whenever I had the opportunIty, and I gave my sincere condolences to the bereaved families. As you can see, the Yongsan District fire accident is led by such members who are looking for this object, and they occupy other buildings in Yongsan District and climb on them and throw out these things indiscriminately, such as firebombs, bricks, and hydrochloric acid bottles. The Supreme Court ruled that the Yongsan District fire accident was a legItimate law enforcement of the police on this issue.
Kim Yoo-jung If you succeed in re-election, what role and what kind of work do you want to do in the National Assembly?
Kim Seokki> First, I said I would scrap this errant nuclear denuclearization policy. In the end, this misguided energy policy has reduced national and industrial competItiveness, the burden on the public is increasing, and this denuclearized nuclear policy must be abolished, so if I enter the 21st National Assembly, I will do my best to completely abolish the nuclear power policy. And one thing is, isn't this whole South Korea in a total impasse? I'm saying I'm going to be active in taking the lead in this regime change.
Kim Yoo-jung " Finally, I will finish by listening to what I want to say to the voters.
Kim Seokki> I will win this election and become a powerful re-election member, activate the stagnant Gyeongju area India and make such a race that all cItizens are happy. I would like to ask our cItizens to support us a lot.
Kim Yoo-jung> Yes 4.15 General Election Candidates Individual Grand Prix Gyeongju constItuency UnIted Future Party Kim Seokki I met. Thank you for today.
Kim Seokki> Yeah, thank you.