Song Hye-kyo and SEO Kyoung-Duk, Memorial of the Professional Government Establishment...Donate 10,000 copies of guide to Zhang Zhangjing

Actor Song Hye-kyo and SEO Kyoung-Duk Sungshin Women's University donated 10,000 copies of Korean and Chinese guides to the China Zhang Zhongjing Provisional Government Office in commemoration of the 101st anniversary of the establishment of the South Korea Provisional Government.
On April 10, Professor Seo told his SNS, "April 11 is the date of the establishment of the South Korea Provisional Government. I donated 10,000 copies of the guides made in Korean and Chinese to the China Zhang Zhongjing Provisional Government Complex with Song Hye-kyo "
"It is good to donate a guide to the new independence movement site, but it is more important to donate it steadily before it is exhausted." "Since last year, I have been carrying out the 'Refill Project for the World South Korea Independence Movement' .
Professor Seo said, "It is good to check directly on the spot with a guidebook, but I posted a guide file on the website 'Our History Story I met overseas.' Anyone can freely check it on their smartphone. "YG Entertainment SEO Kyoung-Duk - Sponsored Song Hye-kyo will continue in the future."
Song Hye-kyo and Professor Seo have donated Korean guides, Korean signboards, and relief works to 25 places including South Korea historical sites overseas every national anniversary for the past nine years. Professor Seo is in charge of YG Entertainment and customs clearance, and Song Hye-kyo sponsors the full cost. On the 31st of last month, the 100th anniversary of the battle of Bongo-dong was donated to the Kzilorda State Science Library in Kazakhstan.
In addition, the two are also working on the 'Ex-World Famous Art Museum and Natural History Museum, London: Donation of Korean Service' project. As part of the project, they provided Korean Services to the New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York City Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), the Natural History Museum of American Natural History, London, Toronto Natural History Museum, and London (ROM), and donated video information boxes in the Korean room to the Boston Museum of Art.